- Introduction
Essentially, furthering your education improves your life in many ways, by focussing on ways in which fathering education improves one’s life, this paper will present means through which an individual benefits by fathering his or her education. In order to accomplish the objectives of this paper as stated herein, this paper will scrutinize present, the literature review, the methodology used, discussions and finally the implications deduced from the study.
- Literature Review
In Kezar, et. al (2007), the study seeks to establish the importance of education to one’s future. Focussing on future importance of education is essentially important in that, it offers one a critical analysis of the many economic and social benefits attached to nurturing ones education. Researching on the importance of education is important because it approves or otherwise disapprove whether education is crucial or not. According to Kezar, et. al (2007), education is perceived to be the best tool for wealth creation and happiness as well. Additionally, Kezar, et. al (2007),postulates that, education is essentially important in that, it helps one attain his or her academic prospects and maintain a home or business in the future. This article is of important to the research because it offers the social and economic benefits acquired in furthering ones education, no apparent bias was deduced in this article.
Global monitoring report, EFA (2005) seek to establish the impact of education quality on development goals. Deducing the impact of education quality on development goals is of utmost importance because it offers a profound understanding of the link that exits between educational quality and development goals. According to (EFA, 2005), it is apparent that formal schooling is not the only contributing factor to an individual’s life skills and human capital, it is important to note there exist several other factors and this include individual’s abilities and parents. Nonetheless, this article make certain the fact that distribution of personal income in the society is directly affected by the quality of education an individual has. This article is of utmost importance to the research because it present ways in which education quality acquired by furthering it improves the quality of life.
In their study UNICEF (2000) seeks to define quality in education, defining quality in education is essentially important in deducing only the beneficial factors acquired through education and alienating things that are perceived irrelevant in education. According to UNICEF (2000), the past has done nothing profound in deducing or rather defining quality in education, as a defined by UNICEF (2000) quality in education means acquiring beneficial outcomes that incorporates attitudes, knowledge, skills and positive goals, by having healthy leaners, safe and healthy environment, proficient teachers. The study by UNICEF (2000), fundamental to this research in that, it establishes the significance aligned with furthering education. There is no apparent bias in this research.
In Zgaga (2005), the study conducted seeks to identify the importance of education in social reconstruction. This research objective is essentially important because it inaugurates all the significance attached to education that is in line with national, local and regional developments. According to Zgaga (2005), education should be treated as social consumption so as to fully deduce its significance to social restriction. Additionally, education is a very important investment particularly in finance, global economics, and labour affairs. This study is important in the study relating to furthering ones education in that, it offers the benefits acquired from education locally, regionally and internationally in the various departments that include finance, global economics, and labour affairs. The only bias in this study is the fact that the study conducted was done to one particular region while the results have been used to make a comprehensive conclusion.
Reeves (2006), seeks to establish the importance of alignment in higher education. This study is essentially important in that, it offers profound perceptive regarding alignment and higher education. Based on this study, the success of any education is measured by aligning it with the goals, instructional design, leaner tasks, instructor roles, technological affordance, student roles, and assessment. This study is important to the research in that, it offers the many importance related to acquire through alignment in furthering education. This research was biased based on the fact that it only looks into higher education without necessarily focusing on formal education.
- Methodology
- Discussion
The major weakness is that, the participants may not say the truth and considering that they are human beings, it will be difficult to deduce whether they are honest or not. The strength of this study is that, it uses data retrieved from variety of sources to make comprehensive conclusions. Nonetheless, no apparent bias was eminent in this study.
- Conclusion
- Implications for future research
This research will clear the unapproved notions that relates to the significance of furthering education and reflection on one’s life quality.
- References
EFA (2005). Global monitoring report: The impact of education quality on development
goals. Retrieved from http://www.unesco.org/education/gmr_download/chapter2.pdf
Kezar, A., Frank, V., Lester, J., Yang, H. (2007 September 7). Why is education important
for your future and how can education IDAs help you reach your educational goals? Retrieved from http://www.usc.edu/dept/chepa/HRYANG/resources/7.pdf
Reeves, T. (2006). How do you know they are learning? The importance
UNICEF (2000 June 10). Defining Quality in Education. Retrieved from http://www.unicef.org/education/files/QualityEducation.PDF
UNICEF (2000). Defining Quality in Education. Retrieved from
Zgaga, P. (2005). The importance of education in social reconstruction. Six years of the
enhanced Graz process: developments, current status and future prospects od education od South-east Europe. Ljubljana & Wien: University od Ljubljana, Faculty od Education. Retrieved from http://www.pef.uni-lj.si/ceps/knjiznica/doc/egp-report-final-oth-enl.pdf
Individual Benefits of Education Research Paper Examples
Type of paper: Research Paper
Topic: Sociology, Education, Future, Development, Study, Life, Goals, United Nations
Pages: 4
Words: 1000
Published: 02/21/2020
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