In the view of the societal setup, gender and class, and to a great extent race determine the dynamics of a society and how generally the various aspects are being driven in the general view. Through this, the cultural critics are highlighted in the concept that interrelates all the factors that affects the way the society moves on with the daily activities.
Wittig argues the aspect in which brings out gender as a linguistic index that clearly brings the concept of women empowerment and material oppression. This is in the general view that highlights how the dynamics of class and to a great extent race faces challenges that encompasses the general upcoming of a changing society.
Hence in relation to this view changes, the various challenges are highlighted in a manner that protrudes sexuality as a major hitch back that has affected the many parts of the social setup. In the feminist view, the female gender has undergone various challenges in the view that tries to bring their issues to the lime light. This has faced various challenges including the aspect of ignorance. A. Rich, shades light into the matter in a view that sort to claim that women’s as passionate comrades, life partners, co-workers, lovers, tribes has been crushed and rather invalidated(Wittig,1980). This is generally in the view of a forced hiding and disguise that has seen the gender, race and class has acted as a determiner in these respected areas. In this view, the virtual of total neglect has seen to be one of the challenges that have clearly brought out the whole concept.
Hence, these challenges have been illustrated in the view that has seen the impulse of a feminist theory and movements that have sort to address over the same. The Thief’s Journal shades light in the view that seeks to illustrate the theory of culture and political creation in the view that mirrors the social aspects such as sexual preference. This goes ahead to communicate the aspects such as heterosexual and homosexual relations that have sort to raise eyebrows in the view of gender and profoundly expanded the view of a voice of toleration.
In the context of gender and class, Solanas argues that the male are selfish beings who are incomplete in the several aspects of life. This argument also states that the men are always trying to compensate themselves in order to attain the characteristics of women because they cannot fully rely on themselves in entirety. This is also reflected by the fact that men goes to an extent of masturbating in order to satisfy themselves and this shows that men cannot fully rely on themselves in the absence of women. The author argued that it is now possible to reproduce without the help of men therefore proving that men are not very necessary in the society .The men also shows the inability to show compassion, love and friendship as opposed to women who shows and practice such virtues in the day to day activities in life,.
In relation war, the men engage in dangerous activities like gunfire in to prove their identity of being men. This makes it difficult for men to prove their existence without subjecting themselves to great torture and suffering. This may therefore leads to shortening the lives of men.
Solanas also argues that the men have created a high prestige society through social classes in order to make women admire them as well as satisfying their own inadequacies.
The aspects of class, gender and race are also pose great challenges to the society where the disadvantaged people in the society feels the impact of torture and painful experiences in the society. This also gave rise of aspects of homosexuality where the men tried to satisfy themselves in the absence of women (Rich, 1981).
In conclusion, cultural critique played an important role in showing the effects of racial, class and gender differences between the individuals in the society. It is therefore necessary to scrutinize the cultural aspects in order to determine their impact on the day-to-day lives of the individuals in the society.
Works Cited
Rich, Adrienne. Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence. London: Onlywomen Press, 1981.
Wittig, Monique. The Straight Mind and Other Essays. Boston: Beacon Press, 1980.
Solanas, V, P. Krassner, and M. Girodias. S.C.U.M. manifesto: Society for Cutting Up Men. New York: The Olympia Press, Inc, 1971. Print.