1. Chen, P. s., and Akoka,J. (2006). Optimal design of distributed information systems. IEEE trans. comput. c-29, 12, 1068-1080.
The source is reliable. Chen and Akoka are renowned authors. Their credentials are highly rated and by so the article is authentic. Besides this is a primary source in which was written within the context of the problem being looked at. This article has proven to be accurate for most of the information is correct. However, in its objective as in relation to its information, there some evidence of bias, especially as regards to Query Optimization. The pages to be used is 1068-1080
2. Chesnais, A., Gelenbe, E., and Mitrani, I. (2006). On the modeling of parallel access to shared data. Commun. ACM 26, 3 (Mar.), 196-202.
The source is also reliable. The author are renowned authors and they have specialised in information technology, therefore their records are highly rated and by so the article is genuine. This article has proven to be accurate for most of the information is correct.
3. Cheung, T.-Y. (2007). A method for equijoin queries in distributed relational databases. IEEE Trans. Comput. C-31, 8, 746-751.
Cheung is a university professor and has specialized in database subjects. His book is generally important in providing information especially on equijoin queries in distributed relational databases. It is reliable and authentic.
4. Chiu, D. M., and Ho, Y. C. (2004). A methodology for interpreting tree queries into optimal semijoin expressions. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (Santa Monica, Calif., May 14-16).ACM, New York, pp. 169-178.
Reliability is moderately high. Chiu and Ho are renowned authors and experts in technology. The book is therefore genuine and ingenious. Besides, it was published following an International Conference on Management of Data in New york. The book majorly objective for it gives a conclusive depiction of the database queries through reviews of other publications. The source is objective as it focuses on the root issues that relate to database systems.
5. Davis, L. S., AND Kunii, T. L. (2005). Pattern databases. In Data Base Design Techniques II, S. B. Yao and T. L. Kunii, Eds. Springer, New York, pp. 357-399.
This source is also moderately reliable. Both Davis and Kunii are highly respectable specialists in data management. Therefore, the book is authentic and resourceful. The information is also accurate since this is a secondary source. It has involved analysis of different books surrounding Query Optimization in Database Systems providing information relevant to the thesis of the research
6. Dayal, U. (2003). Evaluating queries with quantities: A horticultural approach. In Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems {Atlanta, Ga.). ACM, New York, pp. 125-136.
This source is also moderately reliable. Dayal is a highly respectable specialist in data management. Therefore, the book is authentic and resourceful. The information is also accurate since this is a secondary source. It has involved analysis of different books surrounding Query Optimization in Database Systems providing information relevant to the thesis of the research
7. Epstein, A., Stonebraker, M., and Wong, E. (2008). Distributed query processing in a relational data base system. In Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data. ACM, New York, pp. 169-180.
Reliability is moderately high. The three authors are renowned experts in technology. The book is therefore genuine and ingenious. Besides, it was published following an International Conference on Management of Data in Texas in the proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOID. The book majorly objective for it gives a conclusive depiction of the database queries through reviews of other publications. The source is objective as it focuses on the root issues that relate to database systems.
8. Garcia-Molina, H., Ullhman, J., and , Widom, J.,(2004) Database Systems-The Complete Book, Pearson Education,.
The reliability is quite high because these three highly reliable authors, who provide a first account to the thesis, wrote this particular book. For this reason, this book is reliable as a source to this particular research. Besides the publishers; Pearson Education publishing company is a reputable organization, known all over the world and has published many trusted books and articles. The source is accurate considering the source is a primary source. The book is accurate in that it provides the required information regarding the Query Optimization in Database Systems in particular the effects of it occurring to the current generation. It is also objective in a way on that the information obtained is concurrent with the thesis of the research.
9. Raghu R., and Johannes G., (2003) Database Management Systems, 3rdEdition, McGraw Hill,
The reliability is quite high because This particular book was written by Raghu and Johannes.. The publishers; McGraw Hill is a reputable organization, known all over Nigeria and has published many trusted books and articles. The source is accurate considering the source is a primary source. The book is accurate in that it provides the required information. It gives insights on issues surrounding Query Optimization in Database Systems.
10. Rothnie, J. B. (2004). An approach to implementing a relational data management system. In Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD Workshop on Data Description, Access, and Control (Ann Arbor, Mich., May 1-3). ACM, New York, pp. 277-294.
The reliability is quite high because this particular book was written by Rothnie, an IT expert. It was published during the Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD Workshop on Data Description, Access, and Control. The source is accurate considering the source is a primary source. The book is accurate in that it provides the required information. It gives insights on issues surrounding Query Optimization in Database Systems.
11. Selinger, et.al. (2009). Access path selection in a relational database management system. In Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (Boston, Mass., May 30-June 1). ACM, New York, pp. 23-34.
The reliability is quite high because this particular book was written by several IT experts. It was published during the Proceedings of the ACM-SIGMOD conference on Data Description, Access, and Control in Boston. The source is accurate considering the source is a primary source. The book is accurate in that it provides the required information. It gives insights on issues surrounding Query Optimization in Database Systems
12. Severance, D. G., and Carlis, J. V. (2007). A practical approach to selecting record access paths. ACM Comput. Surv. 9, 4 (Dec.) 259-272.
The paper is both accurate and objective for this information can be verified from other resources also employed. It is accurate in the sense that it gives a chronological display of paths that are involved in selecting record access. It is also objective in that in its analysis of the situation it provides information leading to the causes and events surrounding the theses of the research.
13. Shneiderman, B., and Goodman, V. (2006) Batched searching of sequential and tree structured files. ACM Trans. Database Syst. I, 3 (Sept.), 268-275.
The paper is both accurate and objective for this information can be verified from other resources also employed. It is accurate in the sense that it gives a chronological display of paths that are involved in selecting record access. It is also objective in that in its analysis of the situation it provides information leading to the causes and events surrounding the theses of the research.
14. Walker, A. (2007). On retrieval from a small version of a large data base. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Montreal, Oct. 1-3). IEEE, New York, pp. 47-54.
This article explained all the conditions of Very Large Data Bases. It also discussed the cost of these databases. This article gives reliable information about database systems. This research is credible because the author is on the IT board. This source is great for the research to inform people query optimization. The quality of this information is great and it gives more than enough information.
15. Warren, D. H. D. (2005). Efficient processing of interactive relational database queries expressed in logic. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (Cannes, Sept. 9-11). IEEE, New York, pp. 272-281.
The source is reliable. Warren is a renowned author. His credentials are highly rated and by so the article is authentic. In addition, this is a primary source in which was written within the context of the proceedings of the ninth conference on very large databases. This article has proven to be accurate for most of the information is correct.