Active aging is influenced by a variety of determinants surrounding an individual. A good comprehension of these determinants is very useful in the formulation of programs and policies for promotion of wellbeing and health. Health determinants of aging are very good predictors of how populations and individuals age. It is essential to obtain data about the health determinants of aging for an individual or a population to understand how these determinants influence aging (WHO, 2012).
Well-designed health questionnaires are good methods of gathering data about the health determinants of aging. Questionnaires are standardized and objective data collection methods. They are also quick ways of collecting data from participants. Questionnaires can also collect broad information from a large number of participants (Leiyu, 2008).
Determinants of Active Aging Questionnaire
a) Culture
1) What are your culture views about co-residency? Do you live alone, with nuclear family or with extended family?
3) Do you take foods that are contemporary in your culture, if the answer is yes, why? Please name the foods you eat. If the answer is No, What are the types of foods you eat?
4) Who holds the highest status in the family and why? What is the status of the elderly in your society?
5) What would you say is the most common misconception about aging in your culture?
B) Gender
- Are there gender assigned roles in your community?
- How can you rate your society in terms of gender equity?
- Are there cases of gender discrimination in your society
- What resources are available in your community to deal with cases of gender discrimination?
- Do you have any reservations about being attended by a physician of the opposite sex?
2) Health and social services systems determinants of health
i) How accessible are the health care centers and hospitals in your neighborhood?
ii) Are there home care support services available in your area for the aged population?
iii) Have you been vaccinated? If the answer is, yes what are the vaccines that have been administered?
iv) Can you consider enrolling for home for the aged in your area in old age? If the answer is yes, Please explain.
v) How would you rate the health care services given to the elderly in your area?
3) Behavioral determinants of health
i) Do you smoke? If the answer is yes, how many times do you smoke per day?
Ii) Do you engage in any form of physical activity? Please specify the number of hours you exercise per day and the form of physical activity.
iii) What are your dietary habits? Do you normally eat a balanced diet?
iv) Do you drink alcohol? If you drink alcohol, how many bottles of alcohol do you consume per day? Do you engage in binge drinking?
v) Do you visit a dentist for your oral health checkup? How many dentist visits per year?
4) Personal factors
1) Is there a history of hereditary diseases in your family? If the answer is yes, which are the hereditary diseases in your family?
2) When faced with a hard situation like an ailment how do you cope? Which are you coping mechanisms?
3) How well have you prepared for your old age?
4) Do you experience any form of memory lapses?
5) Is there a history of longevity in your family?
5) Physical environment determinants of health
1) Which type of neighborhood do you live in? A town house, a rural home or a shanty. If any, other please specify.
2) How safe is your neighborhood?
3) Is there access to clean air, clean water, electricity and safe foods in your neighborhood?
4) How safe is the transport for the elderly population? Are they given preference in public transport?
5) How you ever experienced a fall in your house? If the answer is yes. Please explain more.
6) Social determinants of health
1) What are some of the social support services available in your neighborhood? Are there any education support services for the elderly or other vulnerable groups in your population?
2) What is the status of old people in your neighborhood?
3) Have you ever experienced any form of elder abuse? If the answer is yes, please explain more about the abuse case.
4) Are there programs to support elderly people who suffer any form of elderly abuse in your neighborhood?
5) If you live in isolation, do you suffer from any feelings of lineless? If you suffer from loneliness, how do you cope? Do you live in close proximity to your family or you live in isolation?
7) Economic determinants of health
1) What are your main sources of income is the source of income reliable and sufficient? Are you eligible to receive social security payments or pension?
2) Does your family provide any form of financial and social support?
3) Do you engage in any form of formal work, unpaid duties at home or voluntary activities in the community, or private business in your old age?
4) What are some of the polices provided by the government or charitable organizations in your area for supporting people who do not have income, or people who are destitute or living alone
5) Have you ever been discriminated in your work situation based on age? What are some of the societies views on old people still working in their old age are there any prejudices and bias against old people still working in the society?
Leiyu S., (2008). Health services research methods. New York: Cengage learning.
WHO (2012). “Active aging, a policy framework”. A contribution of the world health
Organization to the second United Nations world assembly on ageing .Madrid Spain 1-60