Human Resource Management
The Subjective Value Inventory has been filled, graded and placed as an Appendix to this paper. The scoring has been done at Appendix B.
Before analyzing the Subject Value Inventory and the scoring, a brief background of the negotiation in question is in order. The negotiation involved me telling a subordinate to perform a task. The subordinate initially gave reasons as to why he should not be assigned the task. Later, I had to force my way through. Ultimately, the subordinate agreed to perform the task, albeit in a half-hearted manner. At the end of the process, I was not sure if the subordinate would actually do the task well, and if I could back upon him in future.
When I analyze the Subject Value Inventory and the scoring, I observe that I scored 3.5 on the instrumentality of the outcome. This is borne out the fact that I did not feel I had gained maximally from the process. I rated myself as 3.5, as I felt that I had not negotiated well enough, considering that the counterpart had not been fully convinced about the issue at hand. The process outcome was rated a 3, as it was earned more through status than negotiation. I graded 1.75 on the relationship outcome, as I felt that the negotiation had left me more distrustful of the counterpart than ever before.
As I reflect on conflict and negotiation, I understand that when two parties negotiate, each is looking at an issue from his own perspective. The outcome will always be sub optimal unless a win-win situation is found at the end of the negotiation process. To arrive at such a situation, it is necessary to have adequate empathy and a spirit of accommodation. At the same time, if the counterpart displays no such spirit, it is necessary to remain firm on key principles, so as not to lose face and compromise on non-negotiable aspects.
In my professional and personal life, I have been more accommodative than the counterpart during negotiations. I need to learn that apart from empathy and accommodation, I also need to be firm at times, so that I don’t end up with the bad end of the bargain. I need to learn to voice my self-interest in more unambiguous terms if I think my point of view is not being appreciated or accepted by the counterpart.
Appendix A: The Subjective Value Inventory (SVI)
Curhan, J. R., Elfenbein, H. A., & Xu, H. (2006). What do people value when they negotiate? Mapping the domain of subjective value in negotiation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91, 493-512. [Also featured in Thompson (2005) and Lewicki, Barry, & Saunders (2007).]
Four studies support the development and validation of a framework for understanding the range of social psychological outcomes valued subjectively as consequences of negotiations. Study 1 inductively elicited and coded elements of subjective value among students, community members, and practitioners, revealing 20 categories that theorists in Study 2 sorted into 4 underlying subconstructs: Feelings About the Instrumental Outcome, Feelings About the Self, Feelings About the Negotiation Process, and Feelings About the Relationship. Study 3 proposed a new Subjective Value Inventory (SVI) and confirmed its 4 factor structure. Study 4 presents convergent, discriminant, and predictive validity data for the SVI. Indeed, subjective value was a better predictor than economic outcomes of future negotiation decisions. Results suggest the SVI is a promising tool to systematize and encourage research on subjective outcomes of negotiation.
Items can be presented in any order. However, the order presented here is recommended. No headings should be used (e.g., Instrumental Outcome, Self, etc.). The attached version is intended to be used for negotiations involving two or more individuals. When the focal negotiation involves only two individuals, the words “counterpart(s)” and “outcome(s)” should be changed to “counterpart” and “outcome,” respectively.
Items 3 and 5 should be reverse-scored (i.e., a response of 7 becomes 1, a response of 6 becomes 2, and so forth). Next, items within each of the four sub-scales should be averaged (with equal weightings) to yield four sub-scale scores (i.e., Instrumental, Self, Process, and Relationship). If desired, a Global score can be calculated by averaging (with equal weightings) these four sub-scale scores. A Rapport score may also be calculated by averaging scores for Process and Relationship (with equal weightings).
General Instructions: For each question, please circle a number from 1-7 that most accurately reflects your opinion. You will notice that some of the questions are similar to one another; this is primarily to ensure the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Please simply answer each question independently, without reference to any of the other questions.
Important: If you encounter a particular question that is not applicable to your negotiation, simply circle “NA.” Even if you did not reach agreement, please try to answer as many questions as possible.
Instrumental Outcome
1. How satisfied are you with your own outcome—i.e., the extent to which the terms of your agreement (or lack of agreement) benefit you?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
2. How satisfied are you with the balance between your own outcome and your counterpart(s)’s outcome(s)?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
3. Did you feel like you forfeited or “lost” in this negotiation?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately A great deal
4. Do you think the terms of your agreement are consistent with principles of legitimacy or objective criteria (e.g., common standards of fairness, precedent, industry practice, legality, etc.)?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
5. Did you “lose face” (i.e., damage your sense of pride) in the negotiation?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately A great deal
6. Did this negotiation make you feel more or less competent as a negotiator?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
It made me It did not It made me
Feel less make me feel feel more
competent more or less competent competent
7. Did you behave according to your own principles and values?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
8. Did this negotiation positively or negatively impact your self-image or your impression of yourself
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
It negatively It did not It positively
impacted my positively or impacted my
self-image negatively self-image
impact my
9. Do you feel your counterpart(s) listened to your concerns?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
10. Would you characterize the negotiation process as fair?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
11. How are you with the ease (or difficulty) of reaching an agreement?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly How satisfied
12. Did your counterpart(s) consider your wishes, opinions, or needs
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
13. What kind of “overall” impression did your counterpart(s) make on you?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
14. How satisfied are you with your relationship with your counterpart(s) as a result of this negotiation?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
15. Did the negotiation make you trust your counterpart(s
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
16. Did the negotiation build a good foundation for a future relationship with your counterpart(s)?
2 3 4 5 6 7 NA
Not at all Moderately Perfectly
Appendix B: Four Dimensions Of Subjective Value
1. Feelings about the Instrumental Outcome
2. Feelings about Oneself
3. Feelings about the Process
4. Feelings about the Relationship
(Based on Curhan, Elfenbein, and Xu, 2005)
Feelings about the Instrumental Feelings about the Process Outcome
Item 1 ___4__ Item 9 ___3__
Item 2 ____3_ Item 10 ___3__
8 minus Item 3 ___2__ Item 11 ___3__
Item 4 ___5__ Item 12 ___3__
Total ____14_ Total ____12_
Average (Total/4) __3.5___ (a) Average (Total/4) __3___(c)
Feelings about Oneself Feelings about the
8 minus Item 5 ___3__ Item 13 ___2__
Item 6 ___3__ Item 14 ___2__
Item 7 ___5__ Item 15 ___1__
Item 8 ___3__ Item 16 ___2__
Total ___14__ Total ___7__
Average (Total/4) __3.5___ (b) Average (Total/4) __1.75___ (d)
Global Subjective Value
Total lines a through d ___11.75__
Average (Total/4) __2.69___