Question One
Many families moved to the United States of America for various reasons, which includes social and economic reasons. However, during and after the world wars (1&2), many families migrated from their homelands for various reasons, which include both positive and negative effects. In this precept, the auspices of the World Wars saw many communities voyaging to the United States of America in search of employment, safety due to civil wars back at home, and other reasons that include education (Marger 217). Most of these immigrants occupy spaces in urban areas, where they are able to get housing and other social amenities even though some stay in rural settings. This work looks into the way the American government policies shape the existence of these communities in the region. In retrospect, Cuban and Salvadoran came to the US due to the cold war, which set their communities against each other during the period of ideological differences between USSR and the United States of America. For example, the case of Cuban immigrants is due to Cuban revolution of 1959 that took place in an attempt to get President Fidel Castro out of power.
This work determines how differences in U.S. foreign policy shaped the way the country has responded to claims for refugee status by Cuban and Salvadoran immigrants in the United States. In retrospect, the differences in the policies have influenced the justice system and economic organization. In retrospect, El Salvador is a small but overly populated state in the Central America.
During the period of the cold war, the American government worked ways to oust President Castro out of power. This led to the death and exile of many indigenous Cubans for a long time, and many attempts have construed trying to divide Americans with the original spirit that existed to overthrow Fidel Castro. In fact, immigration has been a major contributing factor to the demographic fruition in America (Waters and Reed 131). In this dictum, it has been the most effective driver of growth of the American cities. Since the majority of the city-dwellers in the region are immigrants from other foreign countries, there has been intense need of housing and accommodation facilities that the indigenous people are able to provide. Corrigible enough, this paper looks at the effects the status recognition of Cuba, which is viewed to be less important to Salvadorans of the immigrant groups in the United States of America. In addition, America recognized Cubans as the freedom fighters, yet it was not to mean good for them later. It has been in the history of man that freedom fighters fly out of the country to look for proper strength to come back to home country to fight. This implies that the country has a certain recognition to the Cubans. This is something that has seen the country divided along the tribal lines. The Miami Cubans during Mariel boatlift of 1980 experienced a very negative below when they were stereotyped to be terrorists. Carter’s administration discouraged the community in participating in the boat fight. The same feeling has existed for a long time making the whole society see them as such.
Conclusion 1
Cubans and Salvadorans came to the US due to the cold war, which set their communities against each other during the period of ideological differences between USSR and the United States of America. For example, the case of Cuban immigrants is due to Cuban revolution of 1959. America contains much number of immigrants that has existed in the country for a long time. This is implies that the government takes sides in caring for the people, something that is against the human rights. On the other hand, many communities have formed prejudice to others due to the main reason that their immigration is associated to in the region. For the communities who came like slaves, they are seen as such even if they have something positive to offer.
Question Two
There has been a difference in status, which has led to ethnic divisions by different communities feeling that they are not embraced in the United States. This has been many instances of people looking at each other as less important that do not deserve recognition in places of work and other social locations. It is believed that their education standards are not satisfying. Some of the companies claim that the kind of training and the language these workers speak would lower their abilities to perform in the places of work. Accordingly, the government has not been doing enough to help lower the instances of discrimination. For instances, the discriminated workers at the same time, have not been able to join agencies and forces that would save them from their discriminative experiences. Furthermore, gender equality and diversity is a concept, which maintains that people should receive equal treatment in the public settings, regardless of sex, skin colour, or place of origin; however, many people have experienced countless forms of discrimination due to their folkloric identification and sex due to perceived differences in status (Higginbotham and Andersen 275). Other researchers believe that those people who consider themselves important subject the ones considered low to prejudice experiences In addition, many people tend to favour those that they identify themselves with, and despise those people that not speak their language.
In addition, having people viewed differently in a country makes such people to develop low self-worth. At the same time, it makes other to feel superior that they neighbours. America contains much number of immigrants that has existed in the country for a long time. This is implies that the government takes sides in caring for the people, something that is against the human rights. It also may imply that the government instigates selected justice and prejudice by giving some people recognition that is more elevated than others make the society gets more divided along tribal lines. In fact, it is necessary that the government policies be aligned towards serving people equally. According to Merger (220), this shows a divided nationalism that sets the communities against each other. As this paper has determined, the policy of the nation is a key player in every segment of the lives of the citizens. Therefore, making them interest and favor people selectively has social, economic and political implications.
A similar case of discrimination and class status came about due to slavery, where some communities were perceived to exist in the region as slaves and nothing more. Historians agree that the existence of slavery in America was so harsh, and they also admit together that it began at the periods of early 17th century and was fought and brought to an end in 1865 by the Congress passing the thirteenth amendment of the constitution after the civil war that put the government on pressure. During the period, the number of black Africans living in America was four million, who were subjected to the harsh milieus of slavery by the white Americans. However, the Native Americans were the first enslaved most so those coming from the north (Marger 223). Before Africans become the focus of slavery in America, Indian captives were the first slaves in the region. It is also imperative to remember that much indigenous groups practiced slaveries before making an encounter with the European world. During the period of the American Revolution in 1775 to 1765, slavery had been accepted as a norm in the US. The first African captured slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, helping in the tobacco plantations. Furthermore, the introduction of the cotton plantation in 1793 intensified the practice of slavery in the region. In 1793, there was a radical movement known as abolition movement that called for the end of slavery that led to the bloody civil war from 1861 to 1865.
Conclusion 2
The first African captured slaves arrived in Jamestown, Virginia in 1619, helping in the tobacco plantations. Furthermore, the introduction of the cotton plantation in 1793 intensified the practice of slavery in the region. In 1793, there was a radical movement known as abolition movement that called for the end of slavery that led to the bloody civil war from 1861 to 1865. In retrospect, a case of discrimination and class status came about due to slavery, where some communities were perceived to exist in the region as slaves and nothing more. The period of slavery in America, which began at the periods of early 17th century, was so harsh.
Works Cited
Higginbotham, Elizabeth, and Margaret L. Andersen. Race and ethnicity in society: The
changing landscape. Wadsworth Pub Co, 2009.
Marger, Martin N. Race and ethnic relations: American and global perspectives. Cengage
Learning, 2009.
Waters, M., and U. Reed. "The New Americans." A Guide (2007).