Abortion is acceptable when medical reasons justify it but in some countries or societies like in USA abortion is widely accepted even when medical reasons are not indicated. Some medical reasons that allow abortion to be procured include impending pregnancies, when the developing fetus has a defect or genetic problems, the pregnancy is harmful to the health and wellbeing of the mother, when the pregnancy resulted after a traumatic event such as rape or incest or the woman may not wish to be pregnant for personal reasons.
Medical abortion conducted in the first trimester by a qualified medical expert reduces complications to the mother &her future ability to conceive. At this stage the fetus cannot exist independently without the mother.
Abortion becomes the only solution to a failed contraceptive method especially the emergency pills whose failure rate is very high. Women facing unplanned or unintended pregnancy should have access to safe abortion. Abortion should be legalized and constitutionally protected by law as a critical aspect of human and civil rights for all women.Women should be accorded the dignity and autonomy to act in accordance with the personal conviction on what is good and right for their health and that of their families.
Teenage pregnancy exposes girls to a grim future and dramatically affects their educational prospects, employment opportunities and self esteem. They are also exposed to poor prenatal care and complications during pregnancy and at birth due to immaturity of their reproductive systems.
Back street abortion is the highest cause of maternal mortality as a result of sepsis. If legalized abortion will greatly reduce maternal mortality and these services should be made accessible & affordable to all women. Fetus is not a developed human being; therefore abortion is terminating a pregnancy and not a life. Life begins after birth.
Religious ideologies and beliefs should be separated from law and state in order to accord all citizens their fundamental rights regardless of their religious affiliations.
American medical association recognizes abortion as a medical procedure if performed by a qualified medical expert in compliance with good medical practice standards.
Legalizing abortion will help to lower crime; poor upbringing of children from unwanted pregnancies increases the chance of leading criminal lives in adulthood.
Abortion will be an effective tool of population control. Problems such as starvation, malnutrition, lack of medical & adequate services, underdevelopment and conflict over resources will reduce when then the problem of overpopulation is managed.
Before the US Supreme Court ruling, Roe V. Wade decision, abortion was illegal in some states and legalized in other states. In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled that, a woman may terminate her pregnancy in the first trimester of her pregnancy under a qualified medical practitioner.
The state may prohibit an abortion after the first trimester to protect the health and safety of the mother. Medical abortions and therapeutic abortion should be available to women where viability of the fetus and health of the mother is affected.
In some states it is a requirement that any woman seeking abortion services first undergoes vigorous counseling and informed consent has to be given before the procedure.
A teenager or underage woman who requires abortion services should do so under the permission and guidance of parents, guardians or the court.
Fetal viability assessment should be conducted incase a medical abortion is indicated in the second or third trimester.
Doctors and physicians who perform abortion are licensed and regulated by their state’s medical association.
Finer, L. F. (2005). Reason U.S. women have Abortions: Quantitave and Qualitative Perspetives. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. , 37(3) ,110-118.
legal abortions. (2012, Nov). Retrieved Nov 20th, 2012, from www.livestrong.com/health: http//www.livestrong.com
Prevention, C. f. (2012, April 4th). CDC-Un intended Pregnancy. Retrieved November 20th, 2012, from www.cdc.gov/reproductive health/un intended pregnancy.: http//www.cdc.gov/reproductive health/un intended pregnancy
procon.org. (2012, October 25). Abortion Procon.org. Retrieved November 20, 2012, from www.abortionprocon.org: http//www.abortionprocon.org