News keeps people in touch with what is happening around the world. It is disseminated through so many channels including the print media, radio, television and through the internet through many ways. News keep people in touch all over the world and it is important that people access them because news gives them insights to dynamics that form the dynamics around life. Technological advancements have propelled the delivery of news into new heights, and therefore, brought about a lot of change (Berry, 16). In the news world, several modes of delivering news have come up threatening the use of newspapers to deliver news. But then, they remain very important and many people from around the world are still reading newspapers despite the fact that the other forms of disseminating news which are a lot cheaper are available. Newspapers are liked and are a lot more trusted than any other form of news delivery and it is for this reason that they are still liked and read by many people from around the world.
The newspaper happens to be the main conveyor of news around the world. It is not surprising that even in the wake of other forms of news delivery like the internet; many people want to access newspapers online in order to read them. There are several sources of news for example print media in the form of magazines and books, electronic media in the form of radio, television and the internet, word of mouth in the form of telephones and wireless communication but not is as trusted as the news papers. Many people see newspapers as very important because newspapers have been truthful throughout the ages and therefore can be trusted even in the future. It is therefore true to say that even in the advent of technological advancements, people will always trust newspapers for their truthfulness, breadth and depth of news that they provide (Frost 66). When people trust something this much, then they will always find themselves using it at all times wherever and whenever. It is not enough to say that it is old fashioned, the trust and love for it is enough to make it a darling of many people and the same can be said about newspapers (Warner 22).
Newspapers are very important in very many ways. This is so because they give a variety of information about several matters at very many levels. This then befits a wide variety of audience from young children to older people. Even so the scope is usually limited to a few areas which many people give a lot of importance (Walravens & King 122). Many people could argue that the same can be said about books and magazines but then they give the information in detail. The newspapers provide the information in piecemeal which then renders the information readable and appealing to lots of people. It is for this reason that many people would like to get summaries of very important news in a short time than read newspapers or listen and watch news that one may not revisit to get information more clearly (Esseen, Philips & Riley 142). It is therefore important to note that even when there are other forms of news delivery; newspapers still remain news makers that are trusted by very many people.
It is also important to note that newspapers can be read by people from all professions and fields of work. Other means of deliveries may lead in every other aspect but it is very important to note that they get much of their news from newspapers. Newspapers play a very critical role in news coverage as there are many editors and reporters in all corners of the world. It is them who always have all the very important news and there are many instances when their news is used by other forms of media (Komar 55). Their information guides almost all that is going on in the media world more especially the networks and cable stations. In fact, it is believed that newspapers set the tone for the coverage of news and therefore many of the news delivery agencies borrow a lot from them. It is these newspaper reporters who hit the road to carry out interviews and then the bloggers and television anchors and reporters make news out of them. This makes them even appealing to many people from all backgrounds irrespective of their professions. This is because there is something with newspapers that make them non discriminatory (Latham 76).
People always seek newspapers to find advertisements. Advertisements in newspapers are more trusted than those found in other news delivery forms. This is so because many people find the advertisements more accurate and reliable. Many people acknowledge the fact that most of these advertisements influence their ways of making decisions because at least they take their time to ponder over them as they keep going through them over and over again without the pressures of the time they spend on them. Even when they see the same advertisement on television, outdoors and by listening to the radio, they always find themselves accessing newspapers to confirm what they have heard or seen. This has even gone on to encourage advertisers consider putting their adverts on newspapers more than any other place because they are sure that newspaper adverts are liked and considered more serious than advertisements found anywhere else. This then tells the reason why there are so many advertisements on newspapers today. This complete trust on advertisements put on newspapers perhaps explains the reason why newspapers are liked today.
There is one more thing that has taken newspapers a notch higher and this is their instructiveness. Today, people read newspapers online all thanks to technological advancements. The computer technology and the internet have specifically made it possible to access newspapers online and after reading the news, people have an option of commenting online, therefore giving them room to contribute to items that are making news. People can now post their comments and even taking part in live charts with the reports of news (Marich 13). This puts newspapers on another level of news delivery which is even equivalent or even superior to other forms of news delivery. This has been a sure way of digitalizing their ways of delivering news which happens to be liked by a majority of newspaper readers. One can now authoritatively say that newspapers have become modernized and have kept up with the trends in the digital world. This factor makes newspapers relevant in this era of online news reading therefore putting them at the fore front of news delivery that is acceptable by all because it is becoming modernized.
Newspapers provide news at people’s leisure and comfort just like people desire. Newspapers can be read anywhere. They can be read on the move, while people are sitting and relaxing somewhere and even in offices while people are working. To add to this, they come in varieties with an array of news and people subscribe to their given newspaper brands because of the fun and information they derive from them (Martin & Hansen 120). Aside from this fact, newspapers are also cheap and can be accessed without relying so much on other support materials. The electronic media necessitates that a person should own a gadget that can be used as a means of delivery. Also, there is need to be plugged to electricity and the internet in order to access news. When it comes to print media more so the newspaper, a person only needs to part with a little money and get the news. To add to this, the newspaper can be kept and be read some other time and one can be sure of getting the same information after a long time unlike the other forms of news media which one is not assured of getting, say after a couple of years. The service cost is therefore lower and manageable which means that anyone can access a newspaper at any time and read it from anywhere.
It is important to take into account the very important role that newspapers play in the life of the modern man. It quenches the curiosity of man of wanting to know what is going in and around the world in a reliable and trusted way. It is not just news that people get but also modern trade has become part and parcel of news. This is so because newspapers serve as a medium of publicity and advertisement (Ryan & Theodore 48). The modern world needs news that t can trust and in a nutshell, this is achievable through the reading of newspapers. Great stories and news are read through them and this serves as a way of entertaining the masses but also as a way of educating and informing them. It is from such a background that one may argue that newspapers are still very important and no other form of relaying news has taken the position they have throughout history.
Works Cited
Berry, David. Journalism, Ethics and Society. Burlington: Ashgate publishing 2012
Esseen, Mandy., Philips, Martin, & Riley, Anne. GCSE Media Studies for AQA. Oxford: Harcourt. 2004
Frost, Chris. Designing for Newspapers and Magazines. Routledge: New York. 2003
Komar, Melanie. Newspapers. Nappanee: On the Mark Press. 1994.
Latham, Kevin. Pop Culture China!: Media, Arts and Lifestyle. Santa Barbra: ABC- CLIO. 2007
Marich, Robert. Marketing to Moviegoers: A Handbook of Strategies and Tactics. 2nd Edition. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University
Martin, Shannon, & Hansen, Kathleen. Newspapers of Record in a Digital Age: From Hot Type to Hot Link. Westport: Greenwood. 1998.
Ryan, William. & Theodore, Conover. Graphic Communications Today. Belmont: Cengage Learning. 2004
Walravens, Hartmut, & King, Edmund. Newspapers in International Librarianship: Papers Presented by the Newspaper. The Hague: IFA
Warner, Charles. Media Selling: Television, Print, Internet, Radio. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2011