- Background
- Purpose
- Objective
Proposal Specifics
- Interactive, fun, educational activities and other features
- Expertise required
- Annual budget
A new recreation and family center has been opened in my community. Stakeholders have selected me to head a committee for developing a series of ventures, which can be undertaken to utilize the center effectively. This proposal outlines interactive, fun and educational activities besides other features that will engage the interest of children and adolescents to facilitate their growth and development process. Problem-solving techniques have been adopted in exploring developmental issues, grounded in child development for assessing the needs of these individuals ranging between the ages of 4 – 18 as they use this center for enhancing learning and acceptable socialization. These features have been developed and are now presented in this proposal to the city council board. It contains a written outline of what will be included. An interactive presentation ideas generated showing how these features could be executed will follow.
Recreational and Family center proposal
Recreational centers are built and developed internationally. They serve various purposes within the community where they are located. Essentially recreational centers are expected to enhance the social, spiritual and mental progress of the community. Often there are erected as huge edifices with as large play grounds space. The community centers for which this proposal has been adapted is no different. However, while these building and playground spaces are expected to benefit people in the community without a developmental program catering towards full utilization of its physical structre it would just be another building established to beautify the physical infrastructure.
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions among developed nations and it is quickly gaining momentum in developing countries through life style practices as modernization and global changes envelope the world. Center for Disease Control has reported that for children between the ages of 6–11 who are obese in the United States of America has increased from 7% in 1980 18% in 2012. To the same extent adolescents between the ages of 12 -17 who are obese have increased from 5% to 21% during the same period. Simultaneously the number of children and adolescents developing childhood metabolic diseases is escalating (Ogden, Carroll & Legal, 2014). As such, recreational centers that provide education and activities that would reduce obesity are essential.
There are other social ills facing adolescents and children in our communities. These include child abuse and teenage pregnancies. Effective programs designed to reduce these incidences through education and appropriate activities would greatly this community. Current figures show where in United States of America child neglect is the main feature of child abuse cases. According to NCANDS statistics in 2010 of 695,000 reported child abuse 78% were due to neglect (Herrenkohl, 2005). Parents work and are pressured to leave children unattended or with inappropriate caregivers. Therefore, providing a safe place where parents can leave their children would eliminate a major portion of child neglect experienced in many communities.
Adolescent/teenage pregnancy is also increasing similarly as obesity and child neglect. While there is a prevalence of teenage pregnancy worldwide based on the cultural orientation of the society, developed nations have a very high incidence rating. For example.while an historic low of 34.3 births per 1,000 women aged 15–19 was achieved in 2010 states such as Mississippi and Arkansans continue to carry the highest scores. However, in Canada due to rigid education the teenage pregnancy rates seem to be in a steady decline (Oringanje, Meremikwu, 2009).
It is upon this background the purpose for ventures were developed to utilize this recreation and family center. Therefore, it specifically relates to providing education for adolescent youth regarding healthy life style practices that would reduce and limit the development of obesity as well as teenage pregnancies. The third purpose is providing a safe environment after school for children of working parents. The problem-solving techniques adopted in exploring measures which can be taken to fully utilized theis facility are embodied in this purpose and background preceding it.
Proposal Specifics
The specifics of this proposal encompass two distinct parts. They contain an explanation of the interactive, fun and educational activities along with the relevant expertise/ personnel that will be recruited to conducts various aspects of the project. It also outline measures taken to develop an after school program for children between the ages of 4 – 12.
Interactive, fun, educational activities and other features
The proposed interactive activities would take the form of utilizing the community center grounds for playing games and conducting semi fair demonstrations annually. Games that would be encouraged include volley ball, football, outdoor tennis, and athletics. Within the center rooms playing rooms games is also advocated. Scientists have discovered that interaction derived from playing games do not only stimulate physical and mental nourishment, but also produces positive social integration Play in itself has proven tobe very effective learning strategy in young children and adolescents (Parenting science, 2014). Hence, as a problem solving technique playing games would be emphasized throughout every program. They can take the form of outdoor/indoor model, which involved a group or those developed for introverted children and adolescents.
Fair demonstrations would encompass showcasing the accomplishments of adolescents and children while utilizing the center during the year. These fairs would be designed as a forum to advertise the center’s activities encouraging more stakeholders to take responsibility for the development of adolescents and youth in the community. It can also serve as a fun activity as well as interactive.
Fun activities are catered for utilizing both indoor and outdoor premises of the center. For indoor, rooms will be established to play indoor games and tournaments watching movies as groups and individually. With advice from experts the most appropriate fun activities will be designed based on the age group of young people involved. The examples offered in this proposal are just tentative suggestions which will ultimately be reformed through interventions of the experts in that discipline.
Educational ventures would encompass a series of learning activities aimed at shaping young children and adolescents’ world view towards productive endeavors. A special program is ptopose4d whereby youths will learn etiquette and discipline, which is lacking in our society. Many adolescents struggle with this feature of their upbring due to poor parenting skills. This program hopes to bridge the gap in resolving this crisis within our community. Adolescents must find a safe avenue to express anger without violence or the use of guns. Therefore education aims to reduce crime in the community, limit, teenage pregnancies and development of obesity due to inadequate diet
and physical activity.
Other features segment of this proposal encompasses the development of a fterschoold day care program. The proposed amount of children is 50 to 100 daily between the ages of 4 -12 years old. Three rooms within the community center infrastrure will be dedicated towards executing this program. Furniture and relevant equipment and expertise will have to be obtained for execution of this program.
Expertise required
Each program requires specific expertise. It is proposed that the center activities be managed by a project manager who understands administration of recreational facilities. Each educational program will have a project manager to oversee duties of experts who separately execute each segments of the venture. These include family life expert to educate adolescent in healthy life style habits. These persons could be nurses, advance nurse practitioners and educators who are willing to volunteer their services to the community. Next are day care attendants willing again to be trained and volunteer their services on a part time basis. Physical education couches and sports attendants are the other section of expertise required for successful execution of this projects
Proposed Annual Budget
The projections in this budget do no reflect salaries of experts or maintenance of the community center infrastructure. It relates solely to materials needed for executing the proposed programs and usage of the community center space.
The aforementioned proposal reflects ways in which this newly build facility can be utilized to benefit adolescents ansd children in the community. Suggested programs include providing space for afterschool care, fun, games and educational seminars advertisements of inventions/cultural arts, and workshops.
Herrenkohl, R. (2005). The definition of child maltreatment: from case study to construct.
Child Abuse and Neglect 29 (5): 413–24
Ogden, C. Carroll, D., & legal, K. (2014) Prevalence of childhood and adult obesity in the
United States, 2011-2012. Journal of the American Medical Association, 311(8):806-
Oringanje, C, Meremikwu, M. Eko, H, (2009). Interventions for preventing unintended
pregnancies among adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 4 (4)
Parenting Science (2014). The cognitive benefits of play: Effects on the learning brain .
Retrieved on December 22nd, 2014 from