Greening Company is instituting a mandatory policy for all employees. Three products including paper, plastics, and glass will begin Greening Company’s policy, with simple instructions for employees on how to recycle these products.
Recycling Policy at Greening Company
Greening Company understands that all we do has an impact on the environment, at every level of our business. Our values here at Greening Company include the highest level of commitment to being a responsible and sustainable company. We have developed this policy to minimize waste production so we can reuse and recycle materials as much as is practical. Simple procedures and systems are now available to make it easier for everyone to assist in our policy of minimizing waste through recycling. This policy is mandatory for all employees, and we appreciate your cooperation in making this policy a success.
Three categories of items will be recycled at stations available throughout the building. First, all glass items will be recycled in the blue containers marked “GLASS.” Our recycling service provider will sort the glass for us by colors, but we ask employees to remove lids and rinse the container before placing it in the recycling bin. In addition, do not place window glass, light bulbs, ceramics, or ovenware in the glass bin; those items can go in the regular trash bin.
Second, all paper is to be recycled in the blue bins marked “PAPER.” This includes regular paper, newsprint, flyers, printouts, and writing paper of all colors and quality. Sensitive documents must be shredded per our confidentiality policy before being placed into the recycling bin. Corrugated cardboard and boxes will also be recycled, but they must be broken down and placed in the green bins marked “CARDBOARD.”
Finally, plastics will be recycled. There will be a blue bin available for plastics with the “PET PLASTICS” label, and a green bin for plastics with the “HDPE PLASTICS” label. Be sure to rinse any bottles before placing them in these bins.
Please direct all questions and concerns to your supervisors and help make our new program a success!
Sherman, Rhonda. How Your Business Can Cut Costs by Reducing Waste (n.d.). North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service. Retrieved from http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/topic/vermicomposting/pubs/ag473-10.html
What Can Be Recycled? (2009). Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Retrieved From http://www.dep.state.pa.us/dep/deputate/airwaste/wm/recycle/recywrks/recywrks2.htm