I share the author's concern and therefore I cannot but agree with the way out chosen by him. Having been placed in an unethical position, he tried to avoid a conflict. However, when it became clear that the problem had to be spoken out, the author did the only thing he could and had to do - he exercised some authority. After trying several milder measures and after them proving to be unsuccessful, there was the only way out left - to remind the new IA about the rules existing at school.
I think I would have done the same. It is really important to maintain a healthy and friendly environment at one's work place. And if applying a little bit of strictness can help save the atmosphere between the colleagues, that is what one should definitely do. Negotiating is good, but if it does not help, some more severe measures should be taken. Especially if it is for the welfare of the working environment and for the sake of the people involved in the process.
Reply 2
In this particular case the author needed to be extremely careful and thoughtful, as the situation involved a child with disabilities, and the parents were extremely concerned about the school's treatment of their child.
In my opinion, the author was rather shrewd and considerate. He suggested a very wise way out because he correctly predicted that the parents were wrong in their request for a child specific para-professional. Thus, I think it was a clever decision to suggest a "trial" period for the cooperation of a child and a classroom para-professional. As it turned out, the author was right, and the child received enough supervision and care.
A case like this is a very critical one as it involves the opposition between the parents' concern and the author's professionalism. I think that due to his thoughtfulness the situation was dealt with in the most suitable way.