Sustainability is a broad concept in the world that is growing consensus. Sustainability is the preservation of certain status and having the capability to always endure. In the 21st century major issues is to create better economy as well as societal well-being with no environmental deterioration and resource depletion. Individuals leaving today should be able to protect, develop, and use resources at a reasonable rate so as to meet their needs and the needs of generations to come.
Arguably, controlling of the world’s population is one of the most important ways of achieving sustainability. In the recent past the world community has reluctantly responded to the issue of overpopulation claiming that it is politically incorrect. As a matter of fact persistent population growth in the world leads to an increase in consumption and production. When population growth is controlled it has direct impact on employment, natural resources, social services, and education (Holland & Shaffer, 2003).
Increase in world population, mounts pressure on non-renewable and renewable resources, food sufficiency, climate change, basic common services and employment. Due to population increase people will always be competing for land, food, water and education. In overpopulated areas individuals are pushed into unsustainable activities. Therefore, sustainability can be achieved by controlling population. Most of the unsustainably activities that affect economic, social and environmental issues of the world are caused by overpopulation (Dumnphy, 2000).
The least way to achieve sustainability is dealing with consumer-oriented lifestyle. These factors are mostly analyzed through social practices of human beings to the environment. Consumer oriented-lifestyle effects, even if addressed would not have much impact on the race to sustainability (Holland & Shaffer, 2003). Consumer lifestyles such as travel and transport, housing, and food, increase the rate of industrialization which directly affect environment. This strategy does not work because consumer behaviors depend on other core issues such as population. When population is reduced, consumer needs will automatically reduce. In order to achieve sustainability, the world should unite and cure today so us to be assured tomorrow and the best way to do is to control population.
Dumnphy, C. (2000). Sustainability: The Corporate Challenge of the 21st Century. Sydney:
Griffin Press.
Holland, M & Shaffer, L. (2003). Achieving Sustainable Freshwater Systems. London: Wiley.