United States federal government, Wisconsin’s local government, Department of Transportation, and all the safety partners need to move with speed to curb drunken driving menace in Wisconsin state. This problem can be achieved only if there is collaborative partnership between the government departments, private institutions and the local citizens. This research paper seeks to answer the question on; what should be done to reduce incidences of drunken driving in Wisconsin? I propose that there should be a collaborative effort between the government, private institutions, and citizens in coming with the proper programs to solve the problem. This is because drunken driving Drinking in Wisconsin state has become a nuisance in the state and the government alone cannot manage to eradicate the menace. This has also triggered the high rates of accidents witnessed across the state. The habit has become very much wide spread such that it is almost becoming a form of a disease. Although alcohol drinking is legal in many countries and even in many other states in the U.S.A, this tradition is unique in Wisconsin. It has become common to parents and their children in a pub, and the parents are used to that. This is very unfortunate that when parents are supposed to teach their children good morals, they contribute to their children’s negative growth.
Apart from the fundamental question that need to be answered this paper also seeks to answer questions such as; What it should be done to reduce drinking and driving in Wisconsin?, how Wisconsin community have been effected by drinking and driving? In order for drunkenness habit in Wisconsin to decrease certain measures should be put in place like; initiation of budget, proper time management, recruitment of volunteers. Without only dwelling on these measures alone, there other points to put into practice. One of the best is to come up with a campaign. This campaign should be established to create awareness on the effects of drinking and driving towards the residents of Wisconsin at large (Koch, 2000 p. 23). It would be effective if the awareness be made as an event, where there would be guest speakers and victims who have already recovered from the habit. These recovered people would should share their past encounters and the process of recovering, and how they feel after recovering. In addition, police check points should be put in place to ensure no one drinks and drives. If anyone is caught in, the law that will have been put in place punishes the act.
Wisconsin has been affected a lot by the widely spread drinking problem. This is evident by the number of cases of accidents experienced a passing time, with many people losing their lives in the process. There is also an element of bad negative models, where parents teach their young children that drinking is okay. This creates a cycle of events that causes the habit to continue. I believe if right measures are taken, the problem will decrease and even at last be a history, if only the right people intervene. This people such as the administration of Wisconsin, this are the police that while effectively initiate order.
Enjoy drinking, but be safe. Wisconsin state has been long ago saving from high percent of alcohol abuse people seem enjoy drinking beers in Wisconsin. However, Wisconsin is one of the highest states of drinking and driving issues, and that also made Wisconsin as the highest accidents percentage state in the United State caused by drinking and driving. That affect the sociality in many ways; also, that culture of drinking has been bright long ago.
Wisconsin state has the rebating of drinking beer. Drinking alcohol is legal in the majority of the united state, which is common in most countries. However, Wisconsin traditions of drinking beer is a little bit different than other traditions for example, it is almost normal to see parents with their underage kids drinking together in the bar, and the article has interviewed a percent who prefer to let his underage kid to drink with him, rather than sneak around him and drink(DIRK JOHNSON). So these examples represent drinking in Wisconsin, the issue here is not drinking the worse is drinking heavily in driving. Drinking tradition in Wisconsin become an arguments and each side has offer a solution; however, until this time I personally have not seen any improvement while I am searching for the solution. Wisconsin’s’ drink tradition had been introduce by the Germen immigrant which reflect their custom, 40 parsonage of Wisconsin residents are originally German (De, 2003 p. 89).
Nonetheless, Wisconsin has the highest rate accidents in the United States caused by drunken driving. 26% of the residents in Wisconsin admitting a survey that they had done driving under the influence they survive from the law enforcement and that were in 2009. 44,000 drunken drivers have been charge for DUI. (Wisconsin Department of Transportation) the unfurcant part of the whole case is the ancient citizens that lives end up by reckless drunk driver. In 2009, about 238 people were killed related to drunken driving, and 4,000 injured. Cars are not the only weapon for killing ancient people by drunks but also motorcycles’ drunk driver got involve in the crashes in Wisconsin, that is 40% of motorcycle accidents. According to WHY PEOPLE DRINK AND DRIVE article published in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration web site, Dr. Linda Cosgrove report that drunk individuals drive while drinking because “whether to take part in a drinking event, how to get to the event, what, and how much, to drink, what activities to participate in. Such activities include, eating, dancing, or games, when to go, whether to stay over how to get home”. When this high percentage of the accidents display in the society that means
Wisconsin residents should try to stop is problem before to get out control. When the drunk drivers waste lives by their reckless and carless of people who share their public right with this drunk driver, he or she deserve very high punishment, why ancient people get to buy to his her recklessness?( Koch, 2000 p. 178)
Drinking and driving tradition in Wisconsin need to be reduce. Reducing this tradition cast budget, timeframe, volunteer recruitment. I believe these are the powerful supportive wall to begin to reduce, but we should not lay on these by themselves. Any person who has a effective habit needs to be aware of that effectiveness, to be more likely for this person to quit, so the awareness must be as an event day, which has awareness presentation about the situation that Wisconsin is facing of drunk and driving. Presentation should have rich studies evident and volunteers who want to share their story about drunk driver should be allowed that would convince a lot of viewers of the issue. Also, each government departments should let a person to represent his or her department and the effectiveness that it get from drunk and driving, like Wisconsin sheriff department, hospital, the councilor of Wisconsin (Chasman, 2012 p. 123).
Celebrities, who are related to Wisconsin, should be also allowed to speak up. Also, the idea should defiantly get involve to make sure the massage received by viewers in their houses. What it has been introduced might seem extreme, but I believe one hand does not clap. The nine gentle part of reducing alcohol has been introduce in this easy ,and that all to help drivers who has drunk driving problem, and to keep other drivers who does not involve in drunk and drive issue safe, the second solution which I conceder as a tough one, is the punishment. After spending, a lot of money to help drivers in drinking there is no excuse accepted, and the punishment must be double.
I have been in the U.S since Oct 2010, since that time until this day I have not seen any Sobriety Checkpoint here in Wisconsin, and I also, lived in Colorado State for a while I have not seen any Sobriety Checkpoint, so I believe none of these states are use that program. I consider using Sobriety Checkpoint program as strategy is very powerful idea to help to reduce drunk driving. "The purpose of sobriety checkpoints is not to uncover criminal activity, but rather to Protect public safety by deterring dangerous behavior and by removing imminent threats from the roadways.” (Stewart, 2006 p. 234 ). Many drunk drivers expect that they will not be stopped be the law enforcement unless they do a mistake. Drunk drivers have three ways, the first one is the get saved from a law enforcement officer and get polled over, the second way they get in a car accidents which is most likely and end up killing themselves or others or may be injured.
The third way, which is the rare one, is they get luck and they arrive to their place safely. In my personal experience and as a criminal justice major I totally recommend the Sobriety Checkpoint in specific timing, and certain places. Even if the law enforcement in Wisconsin has that program which is Sobriety Checkpoint, they should increase that program, like Wisconsin weekly until the percentage of drunk driving get decrease that will hold up drunk drivers from cutting that crime; the aware camping should introduce this program to the viewers. The Sobriety Checkpoint will not just hold up drivers but also will give them a nightmare before and after they drink. They will believe later on that the measure of surviving from the law enforcement is very short. The reason of Sobriety Checkpoint is not to have more power to use against the citizens but it is for their own safety (De, 2003 p. 243).
There is doubt that drunken driving has been the major cause of accidents in Wisconsin state. A single individual, organization, or government cannot solve the problem of drunken driving. Therefore, proper intervention and sustainable programs like introduction of sobriety checkpoints must be put in place to curb the problem. The more the government continues to keep quiet and assume the problem, the more it continues to cause accidents and injuries, which are avoidable. There is need for social responsibility and pulling of efforts and resources to curb this menace, which is spreading like a bush fire.
Works Cited
Hancock, Jerry L. Administrative Revocation of Drunk Drivers in Wisconsin: A Legislative Report. Madison: Office of General Counsel, Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation, 2012. Print.
Chasman, Julia, Jeremy Brock, Julie Walters, Rupert Grint, Laura Linney, Nicholas Farrell, Jim Norton, Michelle Duncan, Oliver Milburn, and Tamsin Egerton. Driving Lessons. Culver City, Calif N.p, 2011. Print.
De, Blácam M. Drunken Driving and the Law. Dublin: Round Hall Press, 2003. Print.
Koch, Kathy. Drunken Driving. Washington, D.C: CQ Press, 2000. Print.
Stewart, Ernest I, and James L. Malfetti. Rehabilitation of the Drunken Driver: A Corrective Course in Phoenix, Ariz. for Persons Convicted of Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 2006. Print.
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