Advertising is the act of promoting goods and services, ideas, and a particular company mostly performed by an acknowledged sponsor. It is an overall strategy off promotion of various goods and services, particularly for a business or an organization. The fields in advertising includes publicity, marketing, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations. It involves the process of designing a message used in the promotion of certain product, in idea development, and service provision. In this particular report, I venture into a career position in marketing, and explore the impacts, and changes, of using computer information system in the process of advertising for products and services. Marketing is where by goods are sold and purchased with an aim of acquiring, retaining and satisfying a customer. The current marketing has progressed into a compound and diverse field. The field in marketing includes special functions like advertising, sales and merchandising.
An advertising career focuses on increasing the profits of a company. Since the invention of computers, advertisement has improved significantly, as many companies prefer to use the World Wide Web for marketing their products. This trend has led to the expansion of advertising companies across the globe. Marketing as a professional career, has benefited significantly through marketing, and seen the development of innovations that enhances the mode of advertising and marketing for their services.
For the last few years, information system has enhanced the efficiency in carrying tasks for the company, where it has seen an improvement in maintaining personal records of customers, preparing for, making of presentation, and budgeting for its expenses. Computer information system has benefited the marketing sector in performing its internal functions, which were not possible before the adaption of computers. This ranges from using data such as excel, and database for positioning their studies and keeping track of their advertisement. The marketing career has also benefited from the use of information system, as it is possible for the marketers to form a client base for analyzing their products and assessing rapid information and communication. The market agents can also transfers of cost-effective documents, and offer advice to their clients through online support. They also stand in a crucial position of offering business opportunity to other corporate business, and lessen the burden of recruitment of new employees by avoiding long-standing queues.
Another computerized method off advertisement that a marketer uses is the electronic device-based tool for messaging. This electronic method is known as spam, where the advertisement is automatically sent to the email address, and mobile phones of consumers without their consent. Another advertising method that may be used is the print message seen on brochures, billboards, menus, televisions. The knowledge of this information system has helped advertisers in the marketing field explore more grounds in reaching out to their clients. The written brochures is made from a computer application and designed in a way that is convenient for the advertisers to pass on their message, as this is brochure will convince the clients more on the product that is at hand, since they are much detailed. In the case of the television, many viewers tune in to their T.V sets and in the middle of programming, advertising schedule appear. The television has made it easier for marketer to pass their adverts since the majority of people spend their evening listening to news. The system of using computer to relay broadcasting has influenced hard on the rise of using the television as a media of advertisement. Concerning the internet, there has been a rise in web banner advertising, where sales marketers adapt this trend to try to sway more consumers into purchasing for their products. This occurs when marketers post banners advertisement on the web, similarly to those that are in billboards across the street. This is an effective method of advertising themselves and their products, as there are more people on the internet who surf for products online. It has become easy for any advertisers to construct a web banner using java script and animation using computers and the information system. These banners are mostly associated with the content that corresponds to the visited website. It is now easy for consumers to get desired products online, as these banners pop up with a corresponding search.
Pixel advertising is another change that computer system brought, where it charges advertisers to advertise depending on the number of pixel an advert occupies on a web site. The method commenced in early 2005. My last list of advertisement change that the computer brought was contextual advertising. This helps the internet marketers use Google to select advertisement that Google send to any user that is searching for similar contents on the web. This has made it easy for marketers pass their adverts to consumers, as they are easily accessible through the Google search engine.
In my opinion, the invention of computer, and understanding of the information system has greatly influenced advertisements methods in modern life. For a sales marketer, it is now easy for him or her distributes and adverts of their desired product to their consumers while sitting at the office. The fundamentals to this basis, is the use of the computer and the internet, plus other media of advertisements like billboards on the streets. In the next decade, the trend in computer advertisement is bound to be more complex and efficient to any person wishing to persue a career as an advertiser.
Works Cited
Bonnie L. Drewniany, A. Jerome Jewler. Creative Strategy in Advertising. New York: Cengage Learning, 2010. Print
June Jamrich Parsons, Dan Oja. New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2013. New York: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print
Louis E. Boone, David L. Kurtz. Contemporary Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print