Organizational problems range from employees, stakeholders, their leaders to the society. These problems have a lot of impact to the organization and the staff. The following discussion focuses on the problem on lateness in workplace. Lateness in the workplace is a serious crime that each leader would hate employees committing it. Lateness problem occurs because factors related to individual time management and the workplace attitude. This problem has serious effects to both the organization and employees as discussed below. Moreover, lateness in the workplace problem if not properly addressed results into low productivity, or even closure of the organization due to lack of employees-leaders’ coordination.
Most people spend a third of their adult life at the workplace where they face many workplace problems. Workplace problems are exceedingly common in organizations, which result into a lot of issues between the employees and management. On the other hand, poor management and lack of proper organization structure results into many problems that affect the organization.
Background information
Organizations all over the world report many cases of their employees failing to adhere to the rules and regulations. Employees keep arriving at the workplace late and leaving before the designated time. According to Hogan, employees keep running late at their duties due to many factors related to their lives. These include poor transport from home, family issues, or disorganization in the work place. On the other hand, idleness in the workplace makes many employees see no reason of arriving on time since the job requirements are minimal (Hogan 2012). Getting into the root of the matter through discussing the effects of lateness in the workplace is an important action that would assist many organizations.
Lateness in the workplace is a remarkably common problem found in many organizations, and it has been happening since time immemorial in my organization. Employees get to work late due to unusually many reasons, but this is not according to the organization’s rules and regulations whereby every employee must arrive at work within the speculated time. A lot of lateness in the workplace occurs because of personal issues, but most often employees find it as a routine especially when no disciplinary action occurs against the offenders. Lateness in the workplace comes due to many factors ranging from employees to the management.
First, people who have problems of being in time are likely to experience this problem. Lack of time management contributes a lot to lateness not only in the workplace but also in other necessary functions. Continued lateness stresses an individual thus undermining their capacity to fulfill their career goals. Another factor contributing to lateness is the employee’s attitude towards the workplace. Most people found themselves in careers that are not their choice, and this contributes into many problems between the employee and the organization. In addition, if the organization has no disciplinary measures against crimes committed by employees they change their attitudes. On the other hand, an organization becomes uncontrollable especially when leaders have this habit of arriving late. Other employees also come late while following their leaders’ footsteps leading to poor work organization. Employees end up doing what pleases, them including arriving at work late (LCSW Helpman 10-17).
Arriving late at work creates many problems to the organization, the employee and management. The organization ends up slowing down its operations because when one staff member is absent, it means the company ends up abandoning some duties. In addition, some operations stop in order to deal with the problem leading to lower production levels. These effects are too serious that an organization may lay off employees who have reported cases of lateness, introducing the cost of acquiring and recruiting new employees. On the other hand, the employees get affected positively. First, an individual ends up losing job. This leads to a depression that might result into mental problems, or even death of the victim. Second, if the employee is not sacked, the management might decide to demote him or her or reduce the salary affecting his own budget and that of the dependants.
Lateness in the workplace is a very serious issue that if not solved results into a lot of organization problems. The discussed effects have resulted into a lot of impact to the society especially when an individual loses the job. This analysis was an observation from my workplace where some individuals used to attend their duties late, and leave at their convenient time without seeking permission from their seniors. The study was carried out through normal observation by arriving at the workplace before everyone else and leaving late.
Work cited
Hogan, M., Effects of Tardiness on Staff Morale. 2012. Retrieved from:
LCSW Helpman, R., Lateness: Causes and Cures. Ron Helpman. 2012