- Introduction
The CPU is an important component of a computer. Much of the data that is fed on a given computer is stored in the Central Processing Unit. Considering the importance of the CPU, the production of this computer component should be well throughout in terms of how it meets consumer demand, and its long-term effects to the environment. Computers like other types of machinery pollute the environment through the emission of ionized radiations that have been believed to cause cancer. In addition, computers contain substances such as mercury which makes it difficult to effectively dispose old computers due to the radioactive material produced by computer components. Despite the environment challenges surrounding computers and CPU in particular there is a need to make sure that the computers produced are effective enough in meeting the needs for consumers. This paper discusses a project that is aimed at the quality production of CPU so as to effectively satisfy consumer needs. Among the dimensions that this paper looks at include; quality function deployment (QFD), failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), reliability analysis, Ergonomic issues, and how to address system redundancy.
- QFD(Quality Function Deployment)
First of all, Quality function deployment (QFD) refers to the use of the consumer demand of a given good to create a design that effectively addresses those needs. Quality Function Deployment involves the putting in place of functions that will improve the quality of a given good or service (Akao, 1990, p.45). For the improvement of any system there is need for the reengineering of the subsystems and component parts that are used in the assembly of a particular good such as a computer. This reengineering process means that some elements that are used in the manufacturing process have to be changed. In the case of this project, one of the best ways that Quality Function Deployment can be realized is by providing avenues that can be used by customers to give product reviews. These avenues would include the creation of a well-defined website where consumers can give feedback about the products that they purchase. In this way, the manufacturers of computer subsystems such as the Central Processing Unit (CPU) can be able to know how they can modify their products so that they meet the needs of consumers. The use of a website is an instrumental tool for the manufacturing companies of CPU to showcase the different designs of CPU that the company has to offer. Through the product reviews that are given by consumers regarding the various CPU designs manufacturers can be able to determine some of the elements that the consumer market is interested in. Considering that computer manufacturers like other enterprises are geared towards the maximization of profits, the feedback that is obtained from customer is important for the modification of the production process such that the company capitalizes on the production of CPU designs that are congruent to the prevailing needs and demands of the consumer market.
Another important way that this project aims at enhancing Quality Function Deployment is by making sure that the manufacturers are aware of the different technological dynamics that are in the consumer market. This will allow the manufacturers to make sure that they keep up with other manufacturers that continue to release new models of CPU to the consumer market. Keeping up with the evolution of technology is expensive but it is an effective methodology for firms to remain relevant and competitive in the consumer market. The investment in sales and marketing is also another important QFD strategy that this project articulates. Different manufacturers of CPU have to make sure that they effectively advertise their products to customers. By having an efficient sales and marketing infrastructure, manufacturers can be able to better understand the requirements of consumers with regards to CPU. Manufacturers can also use the sales and marketing infrastructure as a platform to explain to consumers the advantages that are associated with the CPU designs that they produce.
- FMEA(Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) & Reliability Analysis
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is an important step in making sure that the CPU that is produced by manufacturers is effective. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is meant to increase the reliability of the products that are manufactured (Dhillon, 1987, p.113). In this case, it is important to comprehensively study the malfunctions that might result in the use and manufacturing process of CPUs. As part of the failure analysis, the components and subsystems that are used in the assembly of CPU should be analyzed. This failure analysis identifies the failures that are likely to develop in the CPU units and the causative factors that might lead to these failures. The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) also look at the effects of the failure of the CPU on the entire computer system. It is important to note that the CPU as a processing unit plays a key role in the computer system. A malfunction of the CPU could lead to the loss of vital data that is saved on the computer. Loss of data could lead to large inconveniences especially in firms and companies that rely heavily on computers for the storage of data.
This project takes the position that as a way of making sure that CPU being produced by manufacturers is effective and functional, FMEA worksheets should be formulated so that a failure analysis can be conducted in the case of the failure of the CPU. The worksheet should be used in recording of the resulting effects of the failure of CPU to the rest of the computer system. It is also important to understand that the FMEA analysis should be critical and logical. In this way, the recommendations that are made in the reengineering of the system are reasonable and attainable. The FMEA analysis should also be conducted in three levels. The first level should be used to determine the functional challenges that might result from the components and the sub-systems of the Central Processing Unit. The second element that should be addressed in the FMEA analysis should be critical analysis of the design of the CPU. The design might influence efficiency in terms of portability, space among other inconveniences. Finally, the FMEA analysis should also critically look at the process of manufacturing of the CPU. This analysis of the functional, design, and process minimize the likelihood of unexpected failures or challenges in the CPU units.
- Environmental testing & Ergonomic issues
Despite the benefits that are associated with computers, the fact remains that computers pose a threat to the environment. First of all, computers like any other electronic gadgets emit ionized radiations that are believed to be carcinogenic (Kuehr & Williams, 2003, p.90). In order to avoid this project proposes the presence of fans inside the CPU that helps cool off the heat produced by the Central Processing Unit. In this way, the emissions that are released from the CPU are cooled off by the presence of fans inside the CPU. It is also important to understand that different designs of CPUs might be phased out over time. This would mean that at some point the CPUs need to be disposed. This project is of the supposition that CPU should be professionally disposed. This would minimize the dumping of CPU in landfills which in many cases leads to the releasing of radioactive material, which in some cases can contaminate the soil as well as underground water reserves (Parsons & Oja, 2008, p.106). Therefore, in order to enhance a sustainable and eco-friendly production process, there is a need that the design of the CPU and their disposal be conducted in a way that does not harm the environment.
- System redundancy
This project takes into consideration the fact that due to evolving technology. The different subsystems and components that are used in the assembly of CPUs will become redundant over time (Dhillon, 2013, p.67). In order to enhance the reliability of CPU in the market, manufacturers of computer components should be flexible enough to adjust their production so that it is line with consumer preferences and tastes. The adjustment of the production process by companies allows them to remain relevant in the consumer market. In this way, manufacturers are able to stay competitive in consumer market. Continuous improvements in the designs of computer inputs and components allow for more innovations geared towards the assembly of high quality products.
Reference List
Akao, Y. (1990). Quality function deployment: integrating customer requirements into product design. Cambridge, Mass.: Productivity Press.p44-47
Dhillon, B. S. (1987). Reliability in computer system design. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.p67-69
Dhillon, B. S. (2013). Computer system reliability safety and usability. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis.p113-114
Kuehr, R., & Williams, E. (2003). Computers and the environment: understanding and managing their impacts. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.p89-93
Parsons, J. J., & Oja, D. (2008). New perspectives on computer concepts (7th Ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology.p106-107