Discussion Paper on "Analyzing Intellectual Capital Cluster Index in Thailand's Hard Disk Drive Cluster"
Thailand is considered the major exporter of the hard disk drive (HDD) in the world. The main four hard disk drive(HDD) giants include Seagate Technology, Fujistu, Western Digital and Hitachi Global Technology(HGST) where are production activities are based in Thailand. Thailand also holds almost the whole supply industry dealing with supply of materials in this industry. The other companies dealing with materials in this industry are also based in Thailand making it the sole controller of the HDD industry. The formal transfer of technology between multinational companies and the local small and medium sized enterprises was not possible making giving Thailand an upper hand in monopolizing the hard disk drive industry (Charoensiriwath, 2009).
The government of Thailand have recently introduced a HDD training institute in order to advance the capability and skills relating to HDD industry. The need of training have also extended to the universities in order to facilitate national capability in production of the hard disk drives. This institute also support the advancement in technology through research in the universities and government agencies in order to improve the capabilities of the HDD so as to increase the revenues as well as profitability of the industry (Charoensiriwath, 2009).
The main factor of consideration is the way the HDD industry is monitored in order to control the transfer of technology within and out of the Thailand cluster. The indicators relating to technological transfer in this industry have been taken good care of by the Intellectual Capital Cluster Index (ICCI) by combining all the factors and indicators as well as analyzing them in order to determine the extent of transfer of such technologies (1, 3). The results of the research are therefore useful in enabling the government to formulate policies to control and monitor the transfer of technologies within this industry in an efficient and effective manner.
Cluster management is significant in that the knowledge relating to the transfer of technology in HDD industry is vital in facilitating monopoly of this industry in order to increase the supplies of the products to other countries. This will therefore help Thailand hold a great market share which in turn increase the exports earnings as well general economic growth of Thailand. The adoption of this concept of cluster management in Thailand was therefore necessary in boosting the growth of the electronics industry as well as advancing research and technology so as to provide more suitable and effective products in the industry (Vincenzo, 2013). The study and research pertaining to HDD was essential due to its intense growth and expansion thereby attraction the attention of the government of Thailand in allocation of resources so as to improve this industry.
The topic was therefore of great importance in order to understand how several companies in the same industry are linked together in order to provide the knowledge concerning the networking of such companies as well as proper transfer of technologies which boosts the productivity and growth of the electronics industry in Thailand. The topic also clear shows the collaborative efforts of the universities and other research institutes in providing solutions pertaining to the HDD industry and the whole electronics industry in Thailand (5, 6). The topic is also of essence in relation to automation in the manufacturing industry, components as well as data storage facilities and applications.
In relation to clarity of this article, the information is presented in a systematic manner by the use of tables and subtopics in order to boost appeal of information to the readers. The information in the articles therefore clearly elaborates the impact of cluster in relation to various components of capital in order to boost the growth of the electronics industry by advancing the capabilities of the HDD (Vincenzo, 2013).
Accuracy of the paper:
In the context of accuracy of the data, the authors have used valid and reliable sources. The agencies which has conducted research are also experts in the field of research. The information have also been expressed in form of percentages making it easier to interpret. The information is therefore accurate in that valid and reliable sources have been used (Gangadharan, 2013).
Appropriateness of methodology:
The methodology used is appropriate in that the use of surveys have enabled collection of relevant and adequate data for analysis and research. The methods of data collection were appropriate in the essence that relevant data pertaining to research and development have been gathered (2, 3).Significance of findings:
The findings are of essence in that they relate to the actual factors affecting the cluster management and the electronics industry of Thailand. The findings also help in provision of relevant knowledge pertaining to the transfer of knowledge between the HDD and the other companies in the same industry. The information from the findings was very crucial in providing the understanding the way the industries in companies in the same industry should network in order to facilitate advancement of technology. The findings also helps in improving the capabilities of the HDD thereby boosting the trade in this industry due to high levels of acceptance of such products (Gangadharan, 2013).
Adequacy of information:
The information provided is adequate in the sense that all aspects relating to HDD and other companies in the same industries have been provided through surveys. The author have also related to other articles and case studies in sourcing information to supplement the essay.The references provided clear information relating to different components of capital. The references helped to provide a wide scope of information relating to the cluster index information which was relevant for economic growth of Thailand as a whole (Gangadharan, 2013). The author have gathered information from many sources making it more reliable to a variety of facts in this field.
The paper provides adequate information concerning the importance of cluster management in order to enable different companies in the same industry to create networks and links of sharing information (IEEE, 2013). The paper have therefore added new knowledge in relation to cluster management in the electronics industry of Thailand.
This paper can be rated as good due to its clear elaboration of information relating to cluster management.
In conclusion, the article elaborates cluster management thereby providing relevant knowledge in relation to the transfer of technology and capability in the HDD and electronics industry in Thailand. The information in this article is therefore useful in order to boost capabilities and technology of HDD through research.
Works Cited
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