Trend and seasonality appear as two fundamental aspects involved in trade matter. Every entrepreneur needs to consider evaluating the trends and seasonality of their enterprises. In addition, this would enable them to identify various instrumental factors in their businesses. To perform a good analysis of trend and seasonality, it appears fundamental to make a detailed tabulation of the research results. In addition, the research should occur over time in order for the entrepreneur to get the approximate results. From the tabulated results in the research paper provided, it appears that the trend and seasonality remain constant for the entire trade period. When an entrepreneur possesses the right knowledge about the trend and seasonality of sales and purchases in his or her enterprise, this would assist them in making the right decisions. Remember that each decision made in any kind of business tends to possess impacts on the entire progress of the business.
Considering the topic of study, the trends and seasonality of sales of anoraks appears constant throughout in all the quarters. There appeared a relative amount of sales from one quarter to another. However, there appeared some slight differences here and there because of some standing factors. Most entrepreneurs tend to deduce that the changes that occur in trend and seasonality patterns appear because one of the two influences the other. Moreover, the trend and seasonality of trade patterns mostly tend to appear uniformly over a certain stipulated duration. In the case of a graph, the curve tends to adapt a constant similar rise or fall either quarterly or annually. As such, it appears fundamental for any entrepreneur to seek the right strategies to either evade any negative impacts or strategize on new productive methods.
In this essay, the main idea includes evaluating the trend and seasonality of the anorak. Values of a variable over certain duration tend to possess certain components. In particular, these variables work under the influence of four basic components. These include the trend component, seasonal component, cyclical component and irregular component. It should appear noted that these components appear immensely fundamental in the analysis of basic trade factors.
Following the desire, for the Adrian Bostock.to provide the trend for the sales of anoraks; it appeared fundamental to provide the detailed information concerning this in this essay.
Considering the topic of study, the trends and seasonality of sales of anoraks appears constant throughout in all the quarters. There appeared a relative amount of sales from one quarter to another. However, there appeared some slight differences here and there because of some standing factors.
The trend of sales of anoraks tends to appear constant. This deduction occurs since the general trend of sales tends to give portray similar flow of the curves in the graphs. The different graphs occur due to several influencing factors. When looking at the trend of sales of anoraks, the kind of component that may affect the sales includes the seasonal component. In trend analysis of anoraks, the entrepreneur should identify the actual sales. Secondly, in order to get the correct trends of sales, he or she should also analyze the trends in quarterly packs. Once that occurs, the trends should appear included in the mother graphs. This step allows for a more comprehensive comparison of the trends. The extrapolation of the trend with other different data should also occur in order to make further comparisons with other former trends that appeared for the same products. The trends for anoraks sales may appear constant or regular for a particular period. However, the trends may appear altered by seasonal occurrences. These may include natural factors and so on. Since the trends may sometimes appear unpredictable, it appears fundamental to identify the previous quarterly patterns of sale trends in past data. This would provide a speculative ground of what the future trends of anorak sales may appear. (David, 2010)
The trends for the anoraks sales would continue to change with the increasing factors such as seasonal variation of sales. This simply means that seasonality possesses immense impacts on the trend of anorak sales. However, it appears that the trend of sales for anoraks would increase from a quarterly point of view. Similarly, this would appear as the same case in an annual graph since the factors of influence would remain constant. Changes in trend of sales may predictably change in case these factors change for one reason or another.
The amounts of sales and profits made from anoraks sales over quarterly intervals tend to appear constant. This appears since trend and seasonality of sales appear as directly proportional aspects of sales. Therefore, in the sale of anoraks over a quarterly interval, the sales would appear equally high. This appears similar to the trend of sales of the anoraks. The Adrian Bostock should identify that the changes in the trends of sales of anoraks appear less or not affected by seasonality of sales over a given period. In most cases, external factors possess immense impacts that may end up altering the seasonality of sales. Not necessarily will the two variables possess a hand in any kind of alterations in the trends. Moreover, in case there appears a change in the trend of ales of anoraks, the relative change would occur in the seasonality of sales. (Mark, 2008)
As a matter of prediction, it appears that future trends and seasonality of sales of the anoraks sales would continue to appear high yet at a constant rate. However, this would occur if the factors of influence remain stable over time. Since time the factors that favor the increased sales and profits appear as the main reason why the future predictions of sales may appear higher. These appear as fundamental factors, that the annual and quarterly results of sales entirely depend on. Finally, the graph pattern of the anorak sales would depict a regular rise and fall of the graph over a quarterly case.
(2010). R.A., David, Statistics for Business and Economics (p. 820). New York: Cangage Learning
(2008). H. Mark, Fundamentals of Managerial Economics (p.205). New York: Cangage Learning