Health services management is the organizing and delivery of services in a certain place. It confirms that that all services are provided at the right place at the right time. It also makes sure that there is free utilization of recourses and that the various departmental authorities are working efficiently towards the achievement of one goal. It is a fact that getting sick is very demanding and leads to many losses. However severe or minor the illness is, it will be very costly to manage and treat since it leads to loss of resources and time. There should be quick response systems in the shopping centre to respond to emergencies that may arise.
There should be experts who can quickly identify risks and deal with them very quickly. In many cases shopping centers are heavily congested which have led to scarcity of services provided by the service providers at the shopping centres.The goods provided at the shopping centers have created a lot of doubt in terms of the quality of the goods. This is because of the high demand for the goods hence leading to faster production of the goods without considering the right quality as per the required standards. Access to services like parking have also become an issue of concern due to congestion (Caesar, 1989).
Westfield Parramatta is a suburb shopping center city in Australia. It once of the largest shopping centre in Australia since it covers a very wide area. The main area of focus is the central business district of the shopping centre where a lot of activities are taking place. The clients are the population of the shopping centre. There are a variety of services that are offered by tenants in this shopping centres.Such services include hotels and hostels. These hotels are very luxurious and their services are very good (Caesar, 1989). The hotels are very clean and are operated by professionals who are qualified in the various fields hence giving very high quality services.
The food and meals that are supplied in the shopping centre is quality meals, which are very clean and uphold heath standards. These have led to greater health standards in the shopping centers since illnesses are not recurrent in the shopping centers since health issues are carefully followed by the tenants. If the food is clean then the people who consume the food cannot be easily predisposed to factors that cause illnesses. Bad food can cause harm to human beings and lead to illnesses, which are costly to treat. If people are, sick I a particular area, then there will be lack of production since much time and recourses are used in trying to treat the illnesses. This will lead a shopping centre to lag behind in development since people have been deprived of the morale to be involved in development (Marion, 1980).
This town is very highly populated and thus there is some competition for the available resources. A high population should be accompanied enough resources to prevent competition for the few available resources. The architects of the town should plan it in such away that there is even and equal access to basic amenities. Congestion minimization should be the main idea of the architects.Conjestion should not necessary be reduced by reduction of the total population of the people.Conjestion can be achieved by having the right plan of the town an making sure that all resident have an access to them. Parking has been a major issue of concern in theworld.This is because of the little space as compared to the inhabitants of the shopping centre. Everybody wants to get access to humble parking and can move out of the parking place without interfering with other people’s activities (Caesar, 1989). In this town, there are advanced health shops. These are meant to ease congestion at the health centers and thus give good services, this shops include, chemists and optical. There are also recreational facilities like massage and the gym which are of good standards.
The disabled people have also had trouble in various shopping centers of the world. This is because of the reason that they cannot move around easily in the shopping centre. At the Westfield shopping centre, there are humble parking reservations (Marion, 1980). This have led to the evenly doing of business in the shopping centers since they is less disturbance while parking since people do not park in front of businesses of other people. The disabled have also been reserved with pavements that they pass in order to prevent their interaction with other people. They can walk freely to their various destinations without any kind of interference. (Westfield Limited,2003)
Insecurity have been a hindering factor to development in the world’s shopping centres.Due to the high population at the shopping centers, people of diverse origins meet. Different characters are shared amongst them. When these people meet, there is scarcity in resources and basic needs. These have led to practices like theft in order to obtain the basic needs since they cannot live without them. Theft is a threat to security since it causes death in some instances. This reduces the hours of operation in the shopping centre since people are afraid. In Westfield shopping centre, there is high security. The security personnel are very alert in the shopping center to minimize any chances of theft. Due to their presence in the shopping centre, instances of insecurity have drastically reduced in the shopping center (Marion, 1980).
The general outlook of a shopping centre can be used to judge what kind of a shopping center it is. The general design of the shopping centre should be very good and uphold good standards. The buildings should be constructed well without any kind of carelessness. The drainage systems and the garbage collection institutions should be working tirelessly to ensure that there is environmental conservation. At Westfield shopping center, there is impressive construction of the buildings and are of very high standards. The environmental conservation departments are also performing their duties well. (Westfield Limited 2003)
In summary, I have obervered a lot of experiences at the Westfield shopping centre. The activities in the shopping centre are very professional. There is great care of people with disabilities since they have their pavements. The area is also very good for doing business because of the security in it. This has really encouraged me on the importance of doing business in a healthy environment.
Caesar, D. (1989). Shopping town; Living room. Melbourne: Australia
Hyder Consulting (Australia) & Westfield Limited. (2003). Westfield Kotara Shopping Centre preliminary architectural drawings.
Westfield Limited. (2004). Development application - architectural drawings [for Westfield Kotara Shopping Centre Revision "B" August 2004]
Australian Institute of Cartographers. (1980). Westfield Marion Shopping Centre.