Just like any other profession, nursing is a medical profession that requires intensive research. With new emerging trends of treatment being adapted in the medical field, nurses need to use research as an approach in patient treatment.
As a nurse, I believe that nurses need to be provided with knowledge about their ailments as provided for in research. It ensures that patients get more knowledge concerning their ailments. Researched based practice can be used to treat some of disease that cannot be treated through other means. This can be used to solve challenges that have been encountered for in the medical field. Research based practice can be used by medical practitioners in disseminate information which is used to take any medical action required. Recommendations can also be made based on the knowledge from the research which enables nurses and other medical stakeholders to handle the emerging issues in the medical field. Once the medical PR actioners have been able to identify the treatment methods based on research, they are able to identify the most effective ones that can be used in patient treatment. The knowledge can be used to encourage innovation among those involved in the medical field. Once nurses and doctors have the knowledge on different treatment methods based on research based practice, it is possible to come up with better treatment methods. When making budgets or channeling funds in hospitals, more emphasis should be put on research based practice since this is one method that can provide a breakthrough to many medical challenges being experienced. Patient safety should however be put into consideration before applying the research based treatment approach. The outcome evaluation should be done any time research based practice approach is applied in medicine.
Work Cited
Sommers, L. S., & Launer, J. (2013). Clinical Uncertainty in Primary Care the Challenge of Collaborative Engagement.. Dordrecht: Springer.