This paper gives the design and justifications for the research that will be used in the evaluation of the effects that the Development, Relief and Education of Alien minors - (DREAM) act will have on the lives of Aliens living in the United States of America. This is an act that was passed in 2010 to give permanent residence to the young illegal immigrants in the United States. The set conditions were that these aliens should be of good moral character, have lived in the U.S for at least 5 years, and graduated from a U.S high school. They should also have completed two years at a four year institute of learning or two years in military service. This act is expected to have great impact on the education, military and economy of the country.
This act will have a significant positive impact on the education of the country. More students will be able to attend high school and the level of dropping out will drastically decrease. The impact on the economy is that the country will benefit from a population of highly learned and skilled labor. This will give the country an added advantage in competing with the other innovative nations all over the world. In the military, these learned personnel will be of greater value since this will be a group of highly academically competent persons. This will also allow the alien immigrants to have a justified presence in the country and avoid hiding from the law but focus on more positive country development issues. This will also fasten the track to getting permanent residency in the United States of America.
Research design and justification
The quasi-longitudinal approach research method has been chosen for the purposes of this research to try and give an evaluation of the Development, Relief and Education of Alien minors (DREAM) act would influence life in the United States of America and the possible improvements on the country’s education. The variables that have been identified in this research include: the impact of DREAM act on United States of America and enhancement in education levels. Other variables include the impact on the country’s global economy, change in prevalence of illegal migration; growth and development of alien minors, quality and service of the military and moral character are important considerations in when using the quasi longitudinal study.
A quasi-experiment is a form of study that is empirical. It is used for the purpose of evaluating the possible impact of interference by certain factors on an identified population. This has similarities with the traditional random control experiments (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2009). The variable in a quasi experimental design must be identified where the independent variable will be denoted the x-variable which can be manipulated in order to impact on the dependent variable. In this case, the independent variable is the DREAM Act and the dependent variable being the target population that is the alien immigrants.
This kind of research was chosen since it can be used where randomization is not possible. They are easier to set up and usually give generalized information of the whole population which is usually highly representative and accurate. This kind of design also reduces the threat of external validity as in such cases the natural environment does not have problems of a controlled environment. One finding can be directly related to another aspect since these experiments are conducted in a natural environment (Burns& Bush, 2010). Interrupted Time-Series Designs type of quasi-experiment will be used. This design simply means a set of measurements of a variables are in use at different points in time.
Sampling design
Probability random design method will be the most appropriate for this research. The probability random sample technique chosen for this study was the simple random sampling design. This was chosen after careful considerations on the outcome that was expected for this research. Factors such as the amount of error that is acceptable, the level of confidence desired when making conclusions, the population variation, the anticipated effect size and the population size are some of the important considerations to look into. This type of sampling is done using a subset of individuals who have been chosen from a larger population size. Random choice of individuals is done from the subset population of the targeted group. In so choosing, each individual has equal probability of being part of the sample. This sample will be derived from the identified aliens who are currently living in the United States of America.
This is a form of basic sampling technique which forms basis for other complex methods. Every object in this kind of sampling has equal probability or opportunity to be used in the research. The reason for choosing this form of research it that is gives a representative view of the population and is free from bias (Burns& Bush, 2010).This gives every member equal opportunity of being chosen. When this is properly conducted, it will give a highly accurate representation of the population of interest in the research. This form of sampling also is characterized with the ease of sampling and analysis. Other forms of sampling require an in depth know how of the population in question before the sampling is done. Data representation is simple and can be easily understood. It has been argued that a well conducted sampling can have a high accuracy of the external validity.
The data collection methodology that will be incorporated in this research will be qualitative. The procedure for this method will be to identify the research participant, the location, gaining access to this place, and determination of the way of collecting data- in this case questionnaire, developing the form for collecting data and administering the form which should be in an ethically acceptable ways (Kaplan &Saccuzzo, 2009).
A qualitative research does not involve numerical analysis but forms opinions as the conclusions. The mode of data collection that will yield desirable results during this study will be the use of questionnaire as identified in this sampling method. A questionnaire will have a set of questions that are direct to the objectives of the research and therefore precise information being sought can be acquired much more easily. This form of data collection is inexpensive. It needs less effort than the telephone or even interviews and has answers that are standard and make it easier to compile (Burns& Bush, 2010).The subgroup of the population that will be selected will answer the survey questions and the information collected will form the basis for a generalization of the whole population. An open questionnaire will be more ideal for this study as it will give the respondents more freedom in the answers that they will give. This will be able to form a more precise opinion of the general opinion of the population about the DREAM act. Survey administration can be administered using a number of ways (Kaplan &Saccuzzo, 2009). They can be administered through mailing. Its advantage is that it will cost less and the main disadvantage is that the response for this is slow and therefore it will consume more time. Another way of administration is by telephone which has a higher rate of response. This therefore makes gathering of information fast. Its disadvantage is that it is more expensive than the mails. The third form of administering the survey is via face to face interviews. The response rate for this is high and is best suited in the collection of complex data. This is the most expensive form of survey administration.
Quality control will be important to ensure that the collected data will meet the thresholds set. This should be done so that the errors that will come into play in the interview will not impact negatively on the conclusions that will be arrived at. Such as if the credible research procedures were followed keenly to the end research (Burns& Bush, 2010).
THE DREAM act would have constructive impact in the United States of America with time. Using the quasi longitudinal study, it can be established that education levels would improve which in turn would improve the economy, military service and good morals among the aliens-as they will perform their duties in a more open and transparent way. There is hope that this system will be of great benefit to the nation as a whole. Stigmatization by the local community will be at the lowest level. Many of the suffering aliens will have rights that are supported by the law. The country will have a highly skilled labor that will enable the economy to grow and sustain its growth. Future generations that will be a product of these aliens will have a brighter future since they will have parents that will be able to support them socially and also economically. Instances of child labor will decrease drastically as most children will have the opportunity to be in formal education as opposed to hiding from the law as they may be illegally in the country.
Burns, A.& Bush, R. (2010).Marketing Research.Upper Saddle River.NJ: Pearson Education.
Kaplan, R. &Saccuzzo, D. (2009).Psychological testing: Principles, applications, and issues. Belmont CA: Wadsworth.