Robots are automated or simulated agents that are normally electro-powered technologies operating under the guidance of computer databases or electronic integrated circuits. They can be either semi-independent or autonomous ranging from such humanoids as ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) of the Honda company. An ever-growing amount of robots are being built and created for interaction with human beings in particular settings (Dautenhahn, 2003).
In the industrialized world, the population of the elderly is projected to grow appreciably in the course of the next twenty years. With this growth, countries such as Japan and the United States of America encounter both long and short-term dearth of labour in the health care department. Projects in both of these countries seek to take in hand this deficiency through the development of interactive robotic assistants to work in homes as well as assisted-dwelling environments (Gaudette, 2006).
The significance of the animal camaraderie as a source of emotional, as well as physical well-being for seniors, has been an interesting subject for a long time. Animals, nonetheless, have certain demerits as company. For instance, some individuals are allergic and live pets are in constant need of care. Robotic pets in contrast, are beneficiary in ways example; they lower stress levels and have better skills of social interaction (Beck & Katcher, 1996).
These robotic companions can be helpful for senior citizens, for example, by constantly reminding them to take their medication in the proper amount, help with house chores, play games of mental stimulation, provide them with news or event updates among other benefits. This affiliation makes robotic pets a superior financial investment to live pets as they have the capability to develop greater emotional attachments (Shibata & Wada, 2008).
BECK, A., & KATCHER, A. (1996). Between pets and people: The importance of animal companionship. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press.
DAUTENHAHN, K. (2003). Roles of robots in human society—-Implications from research in autism therapy. Robotica, 21, 443 – 452.
GAUDETTE, P. (2006). Sparky the AIBO: robot dogs & other robotic pets. Lecanto, FL, Home & Leisure Pub.
SHIBATA, T., & WADA, K. (2008). Robot Therapy at Elder Care Institutions: Effects of Long-Term Interaction with Seal Robots. 405-418.