A College Education: What is its purpose?
Many parents often preach to their children that education is the best inheritance they could ever give to them. However, not all can pay and invest for a college education. Some children become deprived of education due to their financial capability and the high fees which are attached to both public and private schools. For those who could afford a college education, some find it unable to continue due to the high fees, workload, and due to the influences of their peers. A few would drop out because they do not see the need for education as there are high school diploma jobs already in the market. However, is it quite correct to forgo entering college just because of high school graduate job openings, financial incapacity, peer pressure and social standing? What is the purpose of a college education? A college education’s purpose is to prepare young teens to be prepared for the world around them, enabling them to compete against people in the business sector and succeed for the future.
It is often noted that the main purpose of college education is to get a decent job and make high salaries. In some surveys done in 2006, at least 69% have noted that freshmen students have cited that they wish to enter college to “train for a career”, “gain a better and high paying job”, and “help the family by making cash”. A college education can provide students with higher chances in getting jobs and earning more compared to students with only highschool diplomas. College is also considered a training ground, thereby allowing students to familiarize themselves with corporate and business terms without succumbing to pressure and stress. College graduates are also pointed out to earn more than their counterparts, with a lifetime benefit worth $300,000 from college. Sometimes, even liberal arts college graduates are now entering classes that can enable them to showcase their works in the business sector and compete. It is also noted that nowadays, several specialized colleges for specific professions have appeared to enable students the chance to receive specialized programs for the profession of choice, and the leverage to be accepted in high-paying jobs for their field .
Getting a college education is also a fundamental requirement for specific professions that require enhanced critical thinking, analysis and knowledge such as entering law-enforcement. Law-enforcement experts believe that law enforcers such as policemen, military personnel, and soldiers must have a prior college education background before applying for the position they wish to take part. Since 1931, law enforcement agencies have requested applicants to have at least a college education degree before they can receive promotion or be employed. In small districts or local law enforcement agencies, policemen or personnel should at least have a two-year college degree or a full college degree. Some departments also express that they require criminal justice, criminology, and other related major graduates to apply for their vacancies. Several studies have noted that while college credits would not actually constitute for an officer’s promotion, law enforcement agencies use the officer’s knowledge and mastery in determining if he or she is prepared for a promotion. Aside from its capacity to serve as a leverage for promotion, police officers who finish their college education become more in touch with the people they serve, fostering genuine communication with the public. Minority and ethnic groups would also find college educated officers easy to approach. Educated officers are also capable of filing clearer reports for their superiors. There are also lesser tendencies for educated officers to commit disciplinary actions, enabling them to perform efficiently and with confidence. In some research, some even noted that educated officers are indeed capable of fighting off crime efficiently .
Education wise, the purpose of a quality college education presents a well-rounded and consistent educational curriculum to prepare students to any particular skill set and expertise. College presents a medium that fosters the development of critical thinking and analysis, an valuable skill set to possess in any given genre and career. Students become more active in analyzing new opportunities, weighing both their pros and cons and how it can influence their growth as a person. A college education can also prepare students to imagine real-life solutions to problems and understand the theories that can contradict the principles of any given problem. College is also capable of teaching students’ tolerance and appreciation to forgotten and complex sciences. It is also noted that college also teaches students the ability to imagine and share their insights and ideas to different people, despite differing culture and beliefs . Academic autonomy is also fostered by a college education, enabling students to become independent upon solving problems and challenges while in college. Studies have pointed out that significant development is often seen in college students in their first year in their chosen course or field .
Aside from providing a well-rounded and well-established foundation of education and skill, college is also considered to be the medium that provides teenagers a launching pad that would enable them to practice responsible adulthood. While many students nowadays are in college through financial aid or parental support, graduating from college would consider a teenager fit to be an adult and assume all responsibilities. In addition to this, a college education can present a preparation on how life can become after moving out of the family home or when the student starts to work. College students tend to have opportunities to develop their basic skills and responsibilities such as driving or commuting to school, living alone in the dorm, cooking, and even basic laundry skills. A college education also tends to help students to create and foster lasting friendship and opportunities with family, friends and colleagues. Entering college also presents open doors to students in fostering their own choices, especially in terms of religion, career path, and the opportunities they wish to partake. Many consider college education as a preparation to future decisions and choices students would have to create in the future .
While college becomes seen as a luxury nowadays, it is still a right that families should prepare for as this prepares teenagers for the challenges they would face in the corporate and competitive world. Without the knowledge, skills, talents, and the outlook honed by a college education, teenagers may find themselves stuck in their starting positions and never have the chance to become promoted or get a high-paying job. Some would even find themselves unable to comprehend the technologies, terminologies, and the changes happening in their company or employment due to their lack of preparation and exposure from college. Nowadays, there are different types of college education programs that are suitable for any given student for their financial status which is at part with the public and private college and university teaching. Having a college degree can also enable students to have a stable and productive future after their formative years, enabling them to conquer challenges and succeed in an otherwise competitive society.
Chediak, Alex. Thriving at College: Make Great Friends, Keep Your Faith, and Get Ready for the Real World! Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 2011.
Evans, Nancy, Deanna Forney, Florence Guido, Kristen Renn, and Lori Patton. Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice. Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2010.
Gardner, John, Jerome Jewler, and Betsy Barefoot. Your College Experience: Strategies for Success. Boston: Wadsworth, 2009.
Muscatine, Charles. Fixing College Education: A New Curriculum for the Twenty-First Century. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2009.
Siegel, Larry. Introduction to Criminal Justice. Belmont: Cengage Learning, 2009.