M, T. (2003, March 1). Bayou Farewell. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from what is: Http://37articles.com/bayou-farewell-the-rich-life-and-tragic-death-of-louisianas-coast/
The website analyses the book Bayou Farewell and indicates several factors affecting the coastal region of that area. According to the author of the book, there is the importance in the construction of the bifurcated diversion of 95 mile that can be controlled as well on the lower of Mississippi river. The article indicates that the high travelogue that is intense in the book will soon provide the environmental conservatives, historians and geographers with a pointing guide to a vanishing landscape, and the lost culture.
Showalter, S. (2003, February 3). Book Review. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast: Https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/13d9872ccff6bf06
The massively built level which prevents flooding along the Mississippi river in the 20th century has robbed sediments off the Louisiana coast. These sediments are used to settle the land underneath or below the bayous of the state. The writer of this website has outlined that about fifty acres of land gets lost daily. The article explains the tool towards the death of the Louisiana Cajun coast related to pollution and erosion. The lack of flooding along the Mississippi River has lends to more vanishing of the little coast via the caring away of all the soil sediments along its banks. The river no longer deposits silt at the shore thus it carries the little sediments remaining along the shores.
Siegel, W. (2003, March 12). The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from Bayou Farewell: Http://www.peacecorpswriters.org/pages/2003/0303/303rvbayou.html
Tidwell, M. (2004, March 9). Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana's Cajun Coast: Http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/147124.Bayou_Farewell
M, T. (2003, March 1). Bayou Farewell. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from what is:
Showalter, S. (2003, February 3). BOOK REVIEW. Retrieved March 23, 2013, from The Rich
Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast: Https://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox/13d9872ccff6bf06
Siegel, W. (2003, March 12). The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana’s Cajun Coast.
Retrieved March 23, 2013, from Bayou Farewell: Http://www.peacecorpswriters.org/pages/2003/0303/303rvbayou.html
Tidwell, M. (2004, March 9). Goodreads: Book reviews, recommendations, and discussion.
Retrieved March 23, 2013, from The Rich Life and Tragic Death of Louisiana's Cajun Coast: Http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/147124.Bayou_Farewell