Discussion Questions
Question 1
In the control of contamination, focus should be put on the source control. As an indication by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, there is need for observing proper hierarchy of controls as enforcement and policy matter. Several source contaminant methods involve personal protective equipment, administrative, training, special, education, engineering and surveillance in health.
Engineering controls are done at design stage. It involves a layout that is systematic to physical building, whereby systems comply with OSH such as contemplating moisture to reduce microbial growth likelihood. The system should have desirable as well as purposeful features. There are the industrial hygiene methods of control. They minimize environmental hazards to the workers. They should be established such that the hygienic conditions of employees are maintained and no environmental hazard occurs thereafter. the implication here is that purposeful features are employed. There is the personal protective equipment use. One of the requirement of OSHA is that frequent hazard assessments should be performed by employers to ensure personal protective are properly used. Personal protective equipment is used to prevent health hazards posed to employees. To ensure good use and maintenance, PPE should always be checked through the established programs to ensure they are well maintained, at least annually (Plog and Quinlan 693). Examples include gas-masks, gloves and protective clothing. Another one is educating and training the employees. It is very essential that workers are provided with the necessary information involving the risk hazards and how they can be prevented. The supervisors also get informed on current issues. Health surveillance is also important. It involves examinations that are hazard-oriented, done to employees.
Question 2
The manufacturing of wood products uses urea-formaldehyde resin during the process. Proper control of airborne contaminants via allowed work practice measures and engineering in the industry as per industrial hygiene programs should be the primary aim. A standard established by OSHA (Occupational Safety and health Administration), 29 CFR 1910.1003 that prevents against materials that are toxic and for protection. Therefore, respiratory protection can be achieved by this. Respiratory program purpose is to enable the establishment of standard operating procedures to ensure employees are protected from respiratory hazards. This can be achieved by proper use of respirators. The program, should be managed and controlled by program administrator. He or she must have full knowledge on respirators and able to properly supervise the program. Under the law of OSH, safe workplace is to be provided by employers. He or she should provide all rules and regulations as per the OSH Act. The employer has to double check that the work place conforms OSHA standards. Also, the employer has to ensure that the tools used are safe and maintained properly. Respiratory protection needs a proper program for respiratory. Worksite-specific methods should be included in the program. Again, procedures involved in proper respiratory protective equipment must be there. This also includes medical evaluation for wearers of the equipment, disinfecting, repairing, storing and discarding the respirators. There should be a detailed written communication on hazards, informing employees on the use of respirators and hazards involved. Additionally, program administrator should be a well-informed person who can manage all these easily.
Plog, B. A., & Quinlan, P. (2012). Fundamentals of industrial hygiene. Itasca, IL: National Safety Council.