Writing the Conclusion of the Research Paper
Job training is not only the main function but also an essential and necessary function of human resource management. As elucidated on this paper, the organizational leaders should ensure that they implement training programs as a significant element of the human resource management because it helps to enhance employees' experience and skills.
Consequently, such elements improve the organization's competitive advantage in the market. In addition, Training is an important activity that helps the firms to realize and achieve their goals. In this case, leaders in various organizations need to support training programs so that that they can achieve the organizational goals and benefit both the employees and the organization (Walsh, 2008). The finding also illustrated that the training program is essential since it promotes the employees' performance. 28.6 percent and 42.2 percent of the participants agreed that training is recommendable for students who are aiming to attain job positions at an entry level. Training was also viewed as a crucial factor that promotes the knowledge and the skills of employees. Training helps the employees to comprehend the duties and roles of a job position and hence makes such employee fit for their respective job positions (Daley, 2006; Walsh, 2008). Regarding the benefits accrued from the training program, 92% of the 27 respondents agreed with the statement regarding the usefulness and the benefits of the program. The results indicated that training benefits the organizations through improvement of the employees' performance and productivity. Training also helps the students to apply what they have learned to real-life situations (Katsimi, 2008).
On the measures to advance the job-training program, the study recognized that training program should be covered for three months as a typical period that can effectively help to achieve the aims and objectives of the program. 58.6% participants opted for a three-months training program after they were questioned about what they viewed as a further improvement of the job-training program. The study also identified the necessity to embrace various modern practices that help to facilitate the training program. For instance, the study suggested that training programs must incorporate practical applications and offer a vast knowledge regarding the work environment the enhance skills and confidence of the employees at the career entry level (Avent, 2005). Organization needs to realize the ingenuousness of the labor force to ensure the training program is delivered in more vital and appropriate way. (Menezes & Vieira, 2008).
Implications of the findings
The findings of this study can help the organizational leaders understand the importance of implementing the job-training programs in their organizations. As the illustrated in the study, training is a crucial practice that helps the organizations to realize their goals. The study helps the leaders to recognize that training helps the employees to improve their skills and become more productive, and consequently produce the competitive advantage of the firm in the market. In addition, our findings have identified the effective strategies that should be implemented to advance the training program. Therefore, the study tries to identify some of the common loopholes and their solution in the training program. For instance, the findings indicate that training program should involve an uninterrupted and constant process in the work environment because it facilitates the growth of the employee competencies.
This research study has allowed us to highlight the important benefits of the training program and the program elements that are essential in enhancing training among the employees. The study has focused the attention on the improvement of employees' skills and productivity as the fundamental benefits of the job-training program. A set of the program elements that are required to be implemented to make the program effective putting emphasis on a three-month-basis training program and ensuring the program is a continuous program. Understating such measure can help the leaders in different organizations enhance the skills and productivity of their employees and consequently make the organizations competitive not only in the local but also global market.
Avent, C. (2005). Happiness is job satisfaction. Education + Training, 17(4), 104-106. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eb016362
Daley, D. M. (2006). Strategic human resource management. Public Personnel Management. Current concerns, future challenges, 5, 120-134.
Katsimi, M. (2008). Training, Job Security and Incentive Wages. Scottish Journal Of Political Economy, 55(1), 67-78. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9485.2008.00442.x
Menezes, A., & Vieira, J. (2008). Training, Job Upgrading, Job Creation and Job Destruction. Atlantic Economic Journal, 36(3), 275-292. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11293-008-9137-7
Walsh, B. (2008). Job satisfaction in the office. Education + Training, 20(2), 60-64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/eb001989