Globalization has many differing and similar meanings, many scholars have tried to define the real meaning of globalizations, but generally globalization can be defined as integration of economies and societies all over the world, it can be defined from cultural perspective, technological perspective, political and economic perspective (Oman,1996).
Oman defined globalization as the process by which all people of the world are incorporated into a single world society (Oman,1996). This definition is similar to the one Rifkin’s definition because in incorporates all the components of globalization ranging from culture, economy and political.
Margison and Considine defined globalization as the growing impact of world system and economic life, transport, communication and media (Margison, 2007). This definition mainly dealt with economic aspect of globalization and did not consider social aspect of globalization as it mainly emphasizes on the movement of capital and economic ideas across borders.
Globalization is accelerated economic activity across the political boundaries (Oman, 1990). It is mainly movement of tradable good across borders, facilitated by the reduced obstacles by the government, and technological progress which has enhanced communication and transport (Oman, 1990). The action of the firms to go global is mainly driven by desire to make profit, to earn international recognition, to increase revenue, to diversify risk and to reduce competition for its good by gaining a competitive advantage over their competitors. Globalization is therefore a centrifugal process, a process of economic outreach, and an economic phenomenon (Oman, 1996). The definition of this definition however is that it focuses on economic aspect of globalization only while it ignores other aspects of globalization.
Phew institute defined globalization as one of the social-economic forces that are rapidly reshaping the world (Pew global attitude project, 2007). In its research the institute found out that majority of the developing countries has embraced democracy, and although there are conflicting views about religion and morality there have emerged a consensus regarding importance of education for both boys and girls (pew global attitude project, 2007).
Rifkin, I. (2004). Spiritual perspectives on globalization: Making sense of economic and cultural upheaval. Woodstock, Verm: Skylight Paths Pub.
Marginson, S. (January 01, 2007). Global Position and Position Taking: The Case of Australia. Journal of Studies in International Education, 11, 1, 5-32.
Albrow, M., & King, E. (1990). Globalization, knowledge, and society: Readings from International sociology. London: Sage Publications.
Oman, C. (1996). The policy challenges of globalization and regionalisation. Paris: OECD.
Pew global attitude project (2007) Pew Global Attitudes Project -- International public opinion polls, data and commentaries. Available at: