Dimensions of Wellness
Reaching wellness is important for everyone, as it makes their life interesting and meaningful. Living in harmony with yourself and others is a real art, which can be mastered only by those who understand the importance of wellness and different dimensions that it encompasses. In this paper I will present my view of the main aspects and dimensions of wellness: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual and social.
Physical Wellness
The physical component of wellness is very important for our well-being, as it influences both psychological and physical aspects of our life. People who want to reach this state go in for regular physical activities and develop strength and cardiovascular flexibility. They also prefer healthy food and don’t consume drugs, tobacco and alcohol. This dimension also presupposes that people start to better interpret signals of their body and consequently they can take care of their minor illnesses. The results provided by following the physical wellness path are visible immediately at different levels, the most important of them being physical and psychological. The qualities that are visible in those who follow the path are high self-esteem, commitment, determination, ability to reach goals. As for the issues that can hinder development in this dimension there is lack of motivation, difficulty of making the first step and keeping to the chosen path. It is really difficult to follow it all the time, especially if the previous lifestyle was different from the healthy one (McMahon, Williams & Tapsell, 2010). It will help if the goal of reaching well-being in this sphere is split into many simple steps, such as using steps instead elevator, getting adequate and consistent sleep, listening to your body.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness is important, because it allows people to be aware of and accept their feelings. Those who reach the necessary level of wellbeing in this sphere feel enthusiastic and positive about their lives, they can manage their feelings and cope with stress. Among the other qualities that they demonstrate there is autonomy, realistic assessment of their limitations and reaching satisfying relationships with people around them. Such people can also freely express their feelings and make decisions of which they never regret (Zender & Olshansky, 2009). There are multiple issues that people can face on this pass, such as overcoming the barriers to discovering yourself. It is often scary to go in for self-analysis, as you never know what you will get from your own personality and it is hard to understand that you will have to deal with what you find and live with it. It takes time to understand that this risk is worthy of taking, as the result will make your life much better and complete. To reach wellness in the emotional sphere, it is necessary to practice optimism, talk about your personal concerns with family or friends, smile a lot and learn more information about emotions and feelings. Those people who choose this path choose to be aware of their feeling instead of denying them and prefer to be optimistic rather than pessimistic.
Spiritual Wellness
It is an important dimension of wellness, which is devoted to seeking meaning and purpose in life. The main processes in this sphere involve developing deep appreciation of the expanse of life and those natural forces that exist in our world. The first step in reaching wellness in this sphere is asking the questions of who you are and why you were given this life. As soon as you begin asking thee and other similar questions, you will start observing the events happening with you with wonderment and appreciation. Those who succeed to grow spiritually can find a peaceful harmony between emotions and feelings and the rough stretches of their life (Ryff & Singer, 1996). They also take such actions that are consistent with their beliefs and values. The main issues that people face on this path are such feelings as fear, despair, doubt, dislocation and disappointment. It is necessary to understand that it is not bad to feel in such a way and that it only means that you are on the right track. It is very important not to back up in such situations and only to move forward. The main recommendations that can be given on this path are: practicing acceptance, exploring the spiritual core, being curious and receptive. People who choose this path prefer to think about their meaning of life and to be tolerant with the beliefs of the other people, than to close their minds and be intolerant.
Intellectual Wellness
It is an important dimension, as it facilitates stimulating and creative mental activities. Those who follow this path use the available resources to expand their knowledge and improve skills. Along this path people explore various issues related to problem solving, learning and creativity. The main qualities of those who reached wellness in this dimension are curiosity, ability to learn fast, interest to different realities of life and using all the chances to expand the knowledge base. There can arise different problems on this path, but it is necessary to perceive them as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks. Among the tips that can be made for successful development in this dimension there is taking some course or workshop in some sphere that is interesting to you, buying some book, learning a foreign language, subscribing to an interesting journal (Roscoe, 2009). On the whole, people who decided to reach wellness in the intellectual sphere choose to challenge and stretch their minds with creative and intellectual pursuits, rather than becoming unproductive and self-satisfied.
Social Wellness
It is very important, because of its focus on contributing to people’s physical and human environment and interdependence with nature and others. Along this path people start to understand their importance for the society and start to improve the world around them by showing the positive example and initiating better communication between people (Kang and Russ, 2009). The qualities that people demonstrate in this dimension are the ability to establish positive interactions with people, feeling comfort and ease at work and in other everyday situations, practicing effective listening. People who reached success in this sphere usually have a lot of friends. It is not easy to develop the necessary characteristics and understand what people are interesting for you and with whom it is better not to maintain relationships. In order to move along this path, it is necessary to get to know your personal needs, to be open to people around you and not to be afraid to show your true self to them, to join some club that is interesting to you.
Every dimension is important for establishing harmonious way of living which is why it is important to take steps in each dimension and to keep in mind all of them. It is necessary not to think of the wellness in dimensions as some insurmountable challenges, but instead – to view it as a major goal, consisting of numerous steps. The results of reaching the wellness in the spheres show that all the efforts taken in the course were spent not in vain.
Kang, M., Russ, R. (2009). Activities That Promote Wellness for Older Adults in Rural Communities. Journal of Extension, 47(5), 1-5.
McMahon, A., Williams, P., Tapsell, L.C. (2010). Reviewing the meanings of wellness and well-being and their implications for food choice. Perspectives in Public Health, 130(6), 282-286.
Roscoe, L. J. (2009). Wellness: A Review of Theory and Measurement for Counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 87(2), 216-226.
Ryff, C. D., Singer, B. (1996). Psychological well-being: Meaning, measurement, and implications for psychotherapy research. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 65(1), 14-23.
Zender, R., Olshansky, E. (2009). Promoting wellness in women across the life span. The Nursing clinics of North America, 44(3), 281-91.