Organic is more affordable in the long run
Buy Less
As previously known, organic foods are really effective in improving people’s overall health. However, due to the extensive process and handling of these goods, these organic foods are usually sold in higher prices.
In a study conducted by Davies, A. et al (1995), it was said that one of the primary reasons why people do not buy organic foods is because of the consumer’s disposable income. This means that because of the consumers’ limited income; they prefer to buy foods that are cheaper without even thinking whether these are good or bad for the body.
Meaning, they just buy these foods for the sake of ‘eating’ and not ‘for buying less’. In the statement ‘not for buying less’, this implies that consumers would actually buy more non-organic foods, a term which most likely corresponds to an overall nutrition insufficiency. For in reality, buying organic foods can actually be more about buying less.
How? Well, it is because eating organic foods avoids excessive expenses on consumer foods that do not satisfy the needs of the body. Let’s take this simple scenario for example: Suppose you’re a person weighing 150lbs, and your body needs 55grams of protein per day. Since you are overly conscious with your budget, you prefer to buy inorganic food which can only provide you 20 percent of the recommended daily protein intake, approximately 11grams of protein. Therefore, you need to buy 5 more inorganic foods to fill in that protein requirement.
But if you actually just bought an organic food that can readily give you the 55 grams of protein needed by your body, then you actually don’t have to expend that much. This is just a simple scenario that can practically give the gist of how buying organic foods actually corresponds to buying less.
Also, there had been lot of published works in many food & health sites, as well as on evidence-based websites telling how buying organic food can make you spend less. You can go search the local market near you, or the nearest farmers markets that can offer organic food sales under a much cheaper deal.
The article by Pizans, L. (2009) had emphasized on going more ‘local’ in buying organic foods that can satisfy not only the health of your family, but also considers the budget limit you currently have for it. It was also stipulated on the article on trying to grow your own fruits and vegetables, maybe on your backyard. It is not free and cheap, but it can be the safest and perhaps the most practical option that you may consider since you, yourself, were the ones who cultivate it.
See? Organic foods are really actually a ‘buying less’ method for every consumers. An open mind and a great deal of innovative ways on how to attain these good-for-the-health organic foods can actually be the solution that every consumer had been looking for with regards to their desire of attaining a quality food product in an affordable way.
Eat Less
If you are going to be able to buy less on organic foods, one could presume that that would mean eating less as well. The eating-less portion of this paper implies 2 key points: First, eating less organic foods constitutes more nutrients which is more than the amount provided by inorganic foods; and second, converting expensive animal organic foods to fruits-and-vegetable organic foods.
The first key point actually says it all, and that is to maintain a healthy and normal diet. At this point in time, delicious foods are all around us and it won’t be surprising to see ourselves being victimized by the vicious cycle of gaining weight until such time that we become obese and unable to help ourselves. Now, the health and fitness myth that states that fat or obese individuals are actually healthier than those who are fit is purely inaccurate. Most, if not all, obese individuals are actually malnourished.
In an article by Matthews, W. (2003), he deliberately explained how obese people become more prone to malnourishment. This happens because even though these people are continuously eating foods every day, the cumulative nutrients coming from these foods doesn’t usually satisfy the needed amount of nutrients to sustain the vital functions of the body.
Thus, the problem now goes back to the root cause which is eating foods with less nutritional values foods which are actually inorganic. These people are actually very inclined with many processed foods that ‘taste good’ but, without people knowing, are ‘unhealthy’. A healthy tip was provided by the end of the article which stipulates on eating organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible.
Overall, this first key point, what should be taken into mind is that with just ‘eating less’ by means of eating organic foods, is already sufficient enough for us to be healthy and strong, than ‘eating more’ processed and non-organic foods with which no matter how many intakes we take, we still can’t be healthy.
The second key point is for eating fewer animal organic foods, and eating more organic vegetables and fruits. People might say that most organic foods are the ‘delicious ones’, especially those organic animal foods. However, they are entirely expensive.
Which is why, as Simon, M. (2011) had said, health organizations had always been fond of producing a healthy diet regimen for people that focus on helping people eat more organic vegetables and fruits.
It was said that instead of eating heavily with these bountiful animal organic foods or non-organic foods, trying the organic ‘foods and vegetable’ won’t do so much harm. People might say that the animals that they eat had actually already eaten the nutrients from the plants; however this does not imply that the same amount of nutrients form these plants were still in equal proportions with what we eat from animal foods.
In the said article, it was clearly stated that no amounts of ‘animal meat’ can duplicate the nutrients provided by fruits and vegetables that goes directly into our body.
This therefore goes back to the ‘eat less notion’ that implies how eating less meat can be equated to greater amounts of nutrients. This just supports the truth that when we should take more organic fruits and vegetables’.
Health, Lifestyle, and Diet
Overall, organic foods both help people achieve a healthy and nutritious lifestyle that can fill in the needs of our body, considering that there is an allotted budget for food. These just make organic foods a part of the people’s long term goals, which are very essential for planning, whatever those goals may be. Organic foods would appear to be expensive at first, but once people start to see the changes in their health and strength, they would soon realize that organic foods actually fit the budget and diet more than inorganic foods do in the long run.
Works Cited
1. Davies, A., Titterington, A. J., & Cochrane, C. Who buys organic food? A profile of the purchasers of organic food in Northern Ireland. February 1995.
2. Dolson, L. How Much Do you Need. Low Carb Diets. 2011.
3. Pizzans, L. Buy Organic Produce for Less Money. Green Simple Living. 2009.
4. Matthews, W. In Spite of Obesity Reaching Epidemic Proportions in the US. Malnourishment is without doubt a leading factor in a wide variety of health problems including cancer. Obese & Malnourished Is it Possible. Xtend-Life. 2003.
5. Simon, M. Safe, Organic Animal Foods Too Expensive? Eat Less. Food Safety News. 2011.