Based on the duties and qualifications, this job position is equivalent to Assistant Retail Store Manager – Museum (, 2012). The median salary for such a position in the U.S. is $36,491. Described hereunder is the compensation and benefits plan for the employee in the above position according to, 2012.
Amount ($)
Base Salary
Social Security
Time Off
This compensation and benefits plan meets the needs of both the employee and the organization. Pinnacle Mountain State Park’s main objective is to create a memorable visitor experience. This can only be achieved if the officer in charge is responsible, productive, and able to deconstruct and streamline the operations of the Visitor Center. With this kind of compensation plan, the organization is able to attract and keep such an employee. The compensation is slightly above other similar positions such as Retail Store Office Manager, whose salary is $31,156.
Although this compensation is slightly high, the organization understands role compensation plays in employee motivation. Pinnacle Mountain State Park can make the sacrifice and demand the best from the employee. Salary is based on the job competency, education, experience, and functional expertise. Bonuses are based on the employee performance, thus, used to encourage the employee to deliver exceptional results. With this kind of compensation, the organization is sure to achieve its objectives and those of the employee. (2012). Assistant Retail Store Manager - Museum - U.S. National Averages. Retrieved September 1, 2012 from