The thought that marriage should be abolished is preposterous. Marriage is the oldest institution and it was not instituted by government; government only serves to maintain the sanctity and integrity of marriage.
Kinsley says that if marriage were abolished then gays would feel equal to heterosexuals. Gays and homosexuals are already equal the only difference between them is one has met the criteria of marriage and the other does not. The requirement for marriage is one person must be a woman and the other must be a man. Single people are not given the rights that married people are given however, if they want those rights they have to get married male and female. Mr. Kinsley argument hold no weight, there are several groups of people who do not have the rights of married people and they do not go around feeling sorry for themselves or bewailing their status of not being equal to married people, because they know to enjoy certain rights they must meet the requirement. In the magazine, The Teach, Adam Kolasinski says:
States regulate marriage in many ways. Roughly, half of all states prohibit first cousins from marrying, and all prohibit marriage of closer blood relatives, .. In all states, it is illegal to attempt to marry more than one person, or even to pass off more than one person as one’s spouse. Some states restrict the marriage of people suffering from syphilis or other venereal diseases. Homosexuals, therefore, are not the only people to be denied the right to marry the person of their choosing (5).
Marriage is a union between male female and even nature repels at the thought of two same sex unionizing. For a seed to germinate it needs a male and a female zygote, animals have never form a union of the same sex, yet Kinsley wants marriage to be abolished to satisfy a few people who refuse to abide by a natural and civil law. When marriage is abolished to gratify homosexuals what will stop other groups from wanting to change laws to meet their agenda. Eddie Thompson at AD, says gay and lesbians are already equal to everyone else; and like every citizen if they wish to get married like other groups they can do so by marrying someone of the opposite sex. Under the law gay and lesbians are equally protected. They are treated equally in the work place, they are paid according to the merits and not according to their sexual orientation. “What is being suggested by the gay agenda is not 'equal rights' but 'extra rights.'" The same way one cannot reap the benefits of an education without going to school, gay and lesbian cannot reap benefits of marriage without actually marrying to someone of the opposite sex. People have chosen to remain single for myriad of reasons, “and these people are not clamoring for the rights granted to couples who marry.“ Consequently, people who refused marriage as marriage should be cannot impose their beliefs on married people and try to rob them of their rights under the pretense of equality that they already have. They should not be rewarded for their sexual deviation. “ In fact, most of the so-called “rights” married couples have can be obtained through a lawyer’s legal maneuvers. “
Homosexuality is morally wrong, however, my issue with gay marriage is not whether or not it is wrong. They can live together, share their money, commit themselves to each other do anything but do not use marriage to describe their union. Neither should marriage be abolished to make them equal; though everyone can have equal rights, everyone will never be equal. This world would become a chaotic place if the law changes every time a group makes a frivolous request to meet its demand. Marriage is never to be taken out of the hands of the government, who would defend the rights of married people. Just think, marriage is abolished and a couple who spent twenty-five years as a married couple decides to get divorced or live apart, since marriage is abolished, who will decide who gets what. There are reasons laws are established and one group of people cannot be the deciding factor to change a necessary law.
Mr. Kinsley is not all wrong, because if two people of the same sex get married then marriage is no longer marriage. Just because blacks want to be white, bleaching their skin is not going to make them white. Likewise whites can never change the color of their skin. If either group tries to change the color of their skin, they would look rather ridiculous. Homosexuals cannot masquerade as married people and get equal rights as married people. They need to accept the fact that no matter what they do they will never share equality with two people in a male and female union even if they are not married. Some states do honor common-law marriages and despite this fact homosexuals will never be equal to them.
Edward Zelinsky says;
:Abolishing civil marriage would also be good for the American polity. A diverse society must be genuinely tolerant of genuine diversity. Americans today have widely different and equally sincere views of marriage. In such an environment, it is neither desirable nor feasible for the state to impose a one-size-fits-all definition on the institution of marriage.
I am sure that Mr. Zelinsky is not saying that Americans do not accept diversity if it were so hate crimes would be lawful. Like everybody else homosexuals need to conform to the law. If gays fought and won equality as they perceive it what will stop a sister from marrying a brother, or two first cousins from marrying.
Marriage is between a man and a woman and no matter how flexible the law become marriage should never be abolished to appease any particular group. Like man, marriage is from the beginning and it will be a great travesty the day the government relinquishes its hold on marriage to satisfy one group of people. Homosexuals should change their lifestyle so that they can be equal.
Work cited
Polasinski, Adam. The argument Against Gay Marriages.” The Teach. Cambridge 125 (2004):5
Thompson, Eddie. “Argument Against Gay Marriages” 20 Nov. 2012
Zelinsky, Edward. Strengthening Marriage by Abolishing Civil Marriage.”web. 20 Nov.20 12