Potential career growth in network security
A growth in career purports more responsibility, greater authority, possibility of supervising other employees, more decision making or work independence. It also implies higher wage or salary. Network security is a career that is very relevant in the contemporary world and contains numerous growth opportunities.
We are living in the digital era. Today the social media has largely advanced and nearly everybody relies on information from Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and the likes. For effective functioning, such sites require a higher level of security (Knake, R. K., & Council on Foreign Relations, 2013). However, some malicious individuals are posing a great threat to the information that is contained on the sites by hacking or cracking it. This therefore presents an opportunity for me to open my own firm which will strive to provide the necessary security required by the social sites. The firm will educate sites users on the importance of network security and the possible ways to avert network insecurity. The firm will also come up with software that will possibly prevent the access of information by unauthorized persons. In so doing, I will have a great impact to the society and considerably increase my earning.
I consider being in this career to be highly advantageous. Since I will be an expert in network security, various people will turn to me so that I can advise them on how to securely manage their sites. Also I will use the same sites to advance my prowess in network security and attract potential employers.
The number of social Medias may possibly increase in the near future. In US the Bureau of Labor Statistics approximates that demand for experts in this field increases by 20% yearly (Knake, R. K., & Council on Foreign Relations, 2013). This will be an ample opportunity for me since the sites administrators will turn to me so that I can help them fix software and strategies that will ensure there sites are secure. I may possibly secure a job with one of the administrators. In that case I will work out of my job and advance my skills and experience. I may thus receive a promotion in the workplace.
Future business systems network security and their influences on the industry
The software aspect of network security is very dynamic. In the near future it will be necessary that every technological device is fixed with a Firewall that detect and report intrusion Attempts. This will make it easier to catch up with hackers and crackers. These firewalls also need to be fixed with sophisticated virus checkers that criminals will find it hard to corrupt. It may also be necessary for all connections and data to be encrypt (Knake, R. K., & Council on Foreign Relations, 2013). This will make it expensive for network users but will apparently boost the security and reliability of the information on the internet. Many business people depend on the information posted on the social media. Securing the information will therefore largely increase the efficiency and working of the global economic sector.
Future experts may manufacture computers that use biometric identification rather than the current ones that utilize passwords. Biometrics provides a better method of authentication than passwords. Cisco is developing a new architecture that meets the needs of borderless networks and allows small and large organizations to easily collaborate and their workforce to roam freely with confidence (Knake, R. K., & Council on Foreign Relations, 2013). This is increasing competition in the industry as criminals also try to find new ways of hacking information. However, business systems in the network security sector are destined to progress to a greater height.
The impact of technology trends on professional and personal privacy changes
We are currently living in the so called information age which is an era where economic activities are mainly information based. This is as a result of development and use of technology. In this digital age the internet is changing gradually with mare notices, and security issues have become a major threat and have participated in driving that change. Under the concept of privacy, privacy is defined as any individual condition of life characterized by exclusion from publicity.
The impact of use of technology on the privacy changes is vividly described in the following areas; in personal information which is related to the electronic monitoring of people in the workplace. This technology is done by so called electronic eyes. This is done to enhance productivity in a company. However, there is emerging of ethical problem pertaining to the use of these technologies (GUPTA, 2013). As a result of people’s privacy in the workplace, electronic eyes has led to a feeling of fear and panoptic on phenomenon due to threats by the devices.
The technology has resulted to emerging of databases which contains personal information (data banking). The main issue here is that individual is not aware the importance of personal information being integrated into the central database. In order to sort out these problems since the information can be altered or the integration might be affected there are codes of conducts to be followed that are in the Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act in the 1980s (GUPTA, 2013). Another major threat to the privacy is the hackers and crackers who break into the computer system. This coincides with the emergence of the cyberpunk culture and the shift in ethical values.
Personal and business ethics
The Social Network Services developers have a duty to protect and promote the interests of their users in autonomously constructing and managing their own moral and practical identities. Ethics are vibrant code of rules and regulations that expresses our values. Behind the ethical business there is ethical life (GUPTA, 2013). The common denominator in both personal ethics and business values is integrity which is the foundation every relationship whether dealing with clients or children at home.
Advancements in technology have dramatically changed the way we communicate. Mostly the social media have made us to have more modes of communication than before, which facilitate to instantaneous multiparty communication. These have naturally changed our social habits and styles. In written communication the cheap nature of email has now become the back bone of business communication (GUPTA, 2013). The advantage of using email over the messages is that the information is transmitted instantly to several recipients. This has caused people in the same building or office to use electronic communication method instead of communicating face to face or by phone.
However, there is a single advantage on social networking site and platforms such as MySpace, Twitter and Facebook have changed not only interpersonal communication but also business and marketing strategies. Personal ethics require that businessmen must ensure that public trust through behaviors like maintaining truth in advertising and fair pricing for goods and services. This is a root in which the business provides good and services to society.
GUPTA, R. A. V. I. (2013). Using social media for global security. Hoboken: John wiley.
Knake, R. K., & Council on Foreign Relations. (2013). Internet governance in an age of cyber insecurity. New York, NY: Council on Foreign Relations.