Project Description
The transfer and implementation of technology in an organization is always associated with tribulations. The technology, that an organization relies on for effective operation, does not involve the upgrading of operating systems, application and other software, but the computers servers. Therefore to transform the business operation, managers’ training should be conducted to enable them to efficiently manage the business activities. The project focuses on training its all managers across the country using the centralized training platform.
The organization buy-in will be utilized to ensure that all managers are on board to assist in project research support. The organization buy-in will be used as a tool to enhance support of follow-up activities and to outline on findings hence improvement. Since the organization has never undertaken centralized training platform, the participants are expected to analyze and come up with the effectiveness of the platform.
Project Stakeholders
The stakeholders play a vital role in the reaction and action of the project. They are the key pillar in project. The stakeholders can be distinguished into two types; internal and external stakeholders. The internal stakeholders are involved in internal operation of the business. They include the senior officials; CEO, the program manager, the end users of the technology, portfolio manager, functional manager, project manager, and operation manager and project team as well. The external stakeholders on the other hand come from the external environment of the business. They involve the sponsor, the suppliers of IT equipment, the trainees and the IT experts.
Overall Objective and Outcome of the Project
The objective of the project is to ensure that there are coordinated flows of technology within the organization to effectively help it to meet its profitability goal. Therefore, a comprehensive training to the business managers is conducted to facilitate the acquiring of necessary skills and knowledge attributed to the operation of the new developed technology in an organization. This will assist in optimal utilization of the organization facilities and as a result, the managers are able to derive most out of the business facilities.
The project also aims to reduce or eliminate redundancy and promote coordination across all departments in the organization. Thus, the consolidated collection efforts will promote direct interaction and relation among all stakeholders in the business, both external and internal. Consequently, all these efforts are expected to facilitate the internal and external sharing of information and enhance the ability and effectiveness of staff to perform their duties. Therefore, a stable, open, flexible and reliable technology framework is attained in the future.
After the training, the level of data security and information will be improved since the electronic capture of data as its source is enhanced. It is therefore regarded as a tool to enhance efficiency in attaining goals and objectives of the business.
Success Evaluation
In the implementation of the project, the CEO has to be very keen in identifying people with the agenda in the business. Some people may be holding grudges against the organization and as a result, they may reveal secret information or be biased. Thus, all workers, including the senior management should be carefully evaluated. This creates an access attention to distinguish between the fact and fiction.
Measurable Organization Value
This is a performance that involves measuring, deriving value to the business and agreeing upon the values and verifies it. Therefore, business must effectively put in place its training program to guarantee the efficiency of its internal operation. The technology project is notorious and complex and may result in overusing of resources in the business. Thus a call for proper planning and a creative frame-working is an effective measure to avoid overutilization.
Therefore, MOV is a significant tool that helps to direct the changes in the project and gives a point of suggestion for back up information. As a result MOV assists in ensuring that the progress of the project is cohesive to the expected result and purpose of the project. The MOV is thus a vital and importance tool in organization since it fundamentally justifies the reason why the project is carried on. The managers have to use the MOV to make sure that the project flows as expected and to generate ideas about the project.
Heerkens, G. (2001) Project management. McGraw-Hill: New York, NY.
Project Management Institute (PMI), (2004). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute: Newtown Square, PA.
Harold Kerzner (2004). Advanced Project Management: Best Practices On Implementation. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.