Grocery Products Business Opportunity
Grocery products assist in serving a wide variety of food products globally, medicinal products and goods for the household management. Many lifestyle diseases have come up due to the lack of some nutritional supplements in normal diets. Vegetables and fruits come up to be the major lack in such diets and, therefore, there is real need to market the grocery products so that humans can increase their consumption. Grocery traders and marketers often rely on models of business that are similar and offerings for the products also come out similar (Kenny & Marshall, 2000). Grocery products are important in the life of human beings with most benefits enhancing a healthy lifestyle. In order to market the business opportunity for grocery products, it is proper to have both the existing and planned market overview. A comprehensive overview of both the local and international market conditions will assist in defining the type of market required. In defining the grocery market, it is important to consider psychographics, demographics, geographic consideration and the behaviors of consumers. The size of the targeted market is important because the information is required to know the quantity of products that can be marketed. For the size of the market, measuring demographics and the entire geography involved is easy. Traits of psychology and behaviors of people are not easy to quantify but can easily be estimated to ensure that the market targeted is specific. Marketing groceries requires company overview for the product or service development (Boyer et al., 2005). Development of products and services are comprehensive strategies for a marketer and any business plan, or reports and proposals should have the overview. The company overview assists in detailing philosophies of pricing, and this can be done by using the SWOT analysis. Marketing strategies place a main emphasis of what is to be marketed on specific sections for promotions, sales, advertising and public relations among others. A combination of marketing disciplines assists in increasing strengths of a marketer. Such include public relations, sales and promotions, customer service and pricing. It is important to have a marketing budget when exploring the marketing business and this will assist in the regulation of all expenses for marketing activity.
1.1 Introduction
Delivering marketing experience to shoppers of grocery products includes both grocery coupons and services that simplify life. More than half percentage of consumers often wants to receive more content from people who market and sell grocery to them (Zikmund, 2012). Most consumers have the feeling that retailers and a great percentage of suppliers are not at a position to give them information for meeting a good lifestyle. Grocers, on the other hand, have greatly invested large sums of money to assist in giving discounts to consumers they serve. Despite the adjustments, there is still need to market the grocery products because consumers need to have what they know is either good or bad willingly. Adjustments should be based on data insights for consumers and lifestyle trends can be adjusted to match the lives of customers. Transitions from offers to solutions are best if they give the consumers ideas about the grocery products and this can be best done by marketing the products. Prioritizing the relevance and value of the products being marketed should be achieved by an attention span that is connected. Quantity should not exceed quality for shoppers because the grocery products are important in giving a good life. Purchase decisions should then come up from the consumers but after they have all the relevant information based on provided marketing strategies.
1.2 Objectives
Objectives of this proposal report include;
Giving more content about grocery products instead of just sales of the products
Adjusting data insights for grocery products consumers based on information from the media
Changing lifestyle trends by offering solutions for a better consumption of grocery products
Enhancing competition for grocery marketing
1.3 Hypotheses
The expected hypotheses for testing include the following statements;
Grocery products are explained to consumers before carrying out sales
There is a lot of information from the media about consumption of grocery products as an existing and new business idea
Proper consumption of grocery products assists in changing of lifestyles
Competition for marketing grocery products is essential to improving lives of people
1.4 Limitations to the Study
The major limitation to this study would be inadequate time to carry out sufficient marketing research for the grocery products. The geographical coverage could also be impossible leading to surveys and use of samples.
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Grocery marketing should start with the stores that keep the products. Many stores rely on common business models, and this does not make the publicity of grocery products to be accustomed by many people in the society. A powerful publishing program for custom contents should gain an advantage in the marketplace. Grocery customers are important and should even be engaged from the web and online services to acquire better consumption tips (Webster, 2005). Valuable contents can be provided for the consumers so that they engage in healthy contents and recipes. Cooking tips, handling tips, food safety and more are also contents that are important and best come out during marketing. Marketing programs for groceries should then include track programs that create and compel contents to the prospected customers and following of monetization.
2.3 Content about Grocery
Residents in New York and the whole of America are made to understand the content in nutritious foods including a grocery. It is not only marketers but also the residents of America who engages in the promotion of nutritious foods and sales in circulars. Several studies that give content about the grocery products for addressing nutritional contents have been identified, and they are numerous (Shankar et al., 2010). There is a rising interest of what is consumed, and many people want to avoid getting infected by the simple diseases that can be controlled through consuming the right food. There is then much information needed about foods consumed, and therefore marketing marks a very important stepping point in the promotion of healthy foods. Purchasing nutritional foods is often influenced by the prices, and many people may opt not to get that costly. Marketing content about the grocery products will influence a person to get to the stores and purchase the grocery despite the price. Many sweetened juices are advertised, and they attract many people instead of the greens that are natural. Addressing nutritional content is, therefore, most important in identifying the content and importance of the fresh vegetables. People who know about grocery products tend to purchase and consume them despite their prices and availability.
2.4 Grocery Data Insights from the Media
Media advertises all sorts of foods whether healthy or not, and many people are attracted to the sweetened foods. Social media insights for the grocery products also exist, but there is a serious competition against other foods. Producers and retailers in the region of America are joining their consumers using the media and especially the social media (Hutt, 2012). Social media, therefore, has an impact on the consumer behavior, and grocery retailers are also getting to move with full feet to the social media. The data insights about nutrition should then be adjusted so that consumers can find all required nutrition in the media. Marketing is normally done by physically moving from one place to the other and persuading consumers, but adjustments should make it online. The media with adjusted advertisements then gives fluctuating prices and more information about contents in baskets for consumption. Customer analytics by use of marketing is done to implement a wide range of grocery chains that can influence shopper behavior and decisions at the shopping paths. In the process of marketing, customers are made to obtain offers and promotions. Such create a free and fair competition for products and redemption for marketers because the marketing promotion gets to succeed. Aisle layouts can also be improved and adjusted to be at a position where consumers can get their needs. More marketing adjustments include knowing the shoppers better and ensuring the shopper in turn know the content of what they shop for.
2.5 Solutions for Better Concerns and Lifestyle Changing
Marketing assists in both concerns for health and changing human lifestyles to better ones. Global consumers are becoming more demanding, and they want the products they consume to meet their needs. Better concerns and changing of lifestyles should be applied in finding solutions through marketing. Growing ranges of life stages that are functional enhance nutrition, and this is best done by marketing (Hansen & Jensen, 2004). Marketers often engage in educative marketing that concerns consumers further improving their lives. The case of marketing grocery products should just be educative because their nutrition if well maintained improves lives of many people. The consumers should also be cautious to observe what is marketed for a better lifestyle changing and health concern.
2.6 Competition Enhancement for the Grocery Market
The grocery market is not as competitive as other products because many people lack the importance of such foods. It is through marketing that the market can be observed and well identified so that businesses can start operating in it. Improved health and wellbeing of individuals is becoming an increased focus for people (Li, 2010). Those with lifestyle diseases, intolerances for diet and poor nutrition target more on the grocery market for a better lifestyle. All the information can well be presented to people through marketing and attitudes are made positive by the marketers. Marketing, therefore, has assisted in addressing the needs of consumers to have balanced nutritional requirements and opportunities for the grocery product development. Innovation is put towards a healthy aging and nutrition including the grocery products put at first hand. Marketing, therefore, has changed lives all over the world, and a large population in America is consuming the grocery products. Many people have come up to compete in the grocery market and increase their productivity for the market. The increased competition is however balancing with the demand because of health concerns all thanks to the marketer all over.
3.0 Research Methodology
The geographic location cannot be covered wholly. Therefore, it was impossible to collect data all over America. The marketing targeted America as a whole continent in order to test the marketing and promote marketing of grocery products. Both primary and secondary research design were used to collect information. Samples were then used in experimenting and collecting data whereby the results were used to represent the whole population. There were samples collected from each country that represented the people and cover for the whole America. The sampling plan is therefore simple just to handle marketing in every country New York had the number of most cases that really required marketing for the grocery products because of the rise of diabetes and many other lifestyles related diseases. Each country was presented with its sample results, and it is evident that marketing is required for the increased consumption of grocery products.
4.0 Results
The results are as follows from the samples collected:
Grocery Distribution in the United States Resulting from Marketing (Data is presented in million tons)
Grocery consumption within the United States of America is still not equal to the population. This indicates that just section of the population is consuming grocery, and more numbers are required to bridge the gap of consumption. Marketing is, therefore, relevant in America and more of promotional services are required to increase the consumption of grocery products. Marketing of grocery products comes as a new business opportunity however much it has existed. Many more tactics and information about the grocery will then be issued to consumers and anybody who will be trading on the commodities. Samples collected do not indicate that the grocery products are not consumed, but the rates should be raised so that there is a balanced consumption rate as compared to the population of the people. At least each household should be reported to be engaged in the consumption, and this will be positively achieved through marketing.
5.0 Conclusions
Grocery products are explained to consumers before carrying out sales hypothesis is proved positive, and this is done through marketing. There is a lot of information from the media about consumption of grocery products as an existing and new business idea, proper consumption of grocery products assist in changing of lifestyles and competition for marketing grocery products is essential to improve lives of people is all proved hypotheses. It is, therefore, true that all the expected hypotheses are true and exact. The explanation is, therefore, +1 for all expected hypotheses. All of the objectives have also been achieved in the study that was undertaken. More information is giving relevance to the objectives and proving that the information given is found in the literature review. Giving more content about grocery products instead of just sales of the products has been achieved through marketing and, therefore, the content can best be given by marketing.
Adjusting data insights for grocery products consumers based on information from the media is also achieved by use of marketers and media personnel. Changing lifestyle trends by offering solutions for a better consumption of grocery products is objective that has come true. The objective proves that groceries improve and change lives based on their consumption and the health of other people. Enhancing competition for grocery marketing is achieved as an objective and by use of marketers there is increased competition. It is therefore recommended that marketing is the best way to make promotions.
Grocery products are essential for improving the nutrition of human beings and thus marketing the products is essential. Producers in the agricultural sectors are advised to continue and even increase the production of such products so that there is an improved nutrition for the nations globally. Marketing for such products is therefore highly recommended so that there can be increased knowledge about the products. Moreover, consumers will continue and even increase making a healthy living when they are aware about what they consume.
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Hansen, T., Jensen, J. M., & Solgaard, H. S. (2004). Predicting online grocery buying intention: a comparison of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Information Management, 24(6), 539-550.
Hutt, M., & Speh, T. (2012). Business marketing management: B2B. Cengage Learning.
Kenny, D., & Marshall, J. F. (2000). Contextual marketing: the real business of the Internet. Harvard Business Review, 78(6), 119-125.
Li, C. (2010). Groundswell. Winning in the world transformed by social technologies. Strategic Direction, 26(8).
Shankar, V., Venkatesh, A., Hofacker, C., & Naik, P. (2010). Mobile marketing in the retailing environment: current insights and future research avenues. Journal of interactive marketing, 24(2), 111-120.
Webster Jr, F. E., Malter, A. J., & Ganesan, S. (2005). of Marketing Competence.
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Sample Questionnaire
Hello, respondents, I will ask questions regarding marketing of grocery products as a business opportunity that can be invented. Your cooperation is required and will be highly appreciated.
Section A
Personal Information
Gender: Tick where appropriate (Female) (Male)
Level of Education: Tick where Appropriate (Primary) (Secondary) (Tertiary) (Illiterate)
Work: Tick where Appropriate (Self Employed) (Employed) (Unemployed) (Student)
Section B
Open Ended Answers (Give your Opinion as Required for the Marketing of Grocery Products)
Is giving more content about grocery products instead of just sales of the products important to you?
What are some of the advantages of such information about grocery products?
Are there product information giving services in your area?
If yes, who dose the activity? If no, what products do you feel need the service?
Does adjusting data insights for grocery products consumers based on information from the media take place within your country?
If yes, how is it important to you?
If no, would you need the service within your locality?
Changing lifestyle trends by offering solutions for a better consumption of grocery products is a service that can be done by marketers. How is your country reacting to this?
Enhancing competition for grocery marketing is important for every location. Does this promote activities of farmers to produce more in your area?
Do you think grocery products are important for your health?
Give a reason for both yes or no answers.
Estimate the population of your country that consumes the grocery products wholly
List the category of sales that commonly handle selling of grocery products to consumers e.g., the supermarkets and retailers
Do you feel marketing for grocery products is a good business opportunity? Give reasons