The research questions in this paper are how the media is connected to developing the responsiveness about domestic violence? And how the society is doing to mitigate media influence especially to the young girls? This paper describes how different sources help to understand how the media is affecting the young girls and women in the society. Media currently had played a major role in facilitating gender violence in the modern society. This is because young people are geared towards imitating the behaviors of their role models and celebrities.
Domestic violence could be viewed broadly not only as a domestic issue but also an issue that is not constrained by privacy. It is an issue that spills over the limit of an offensive relationship to the public who witnesses the domestic violence instances, or being bear the consequences of such instances. Therefore, the issue is not personal issue but an issue that is witnessed by the society.
Annotated bibliography
Covering Domestic Violence: How the O.J. Simpson Case Shaped Reporting of Domestic Violence in the News Media (Primary source)
The article helps the reader to understand how the media influences the domestic violence through the case of Simpson. The research is conducted through analyzing how frequent the domestic violence appeared in the coverage of New York Times and through enquiring to Philadelphia Daily News. The result showed that the number of gender violence cases increased after the coverage of Simpson case. This show how the public is highly influences by media and how the media is subjected to alter the code of ethics in the society.
The research illustrates how the coverage of violence events would move from incident focused to socially focus is not supported. The research elaborated that the social coverage exists over the domestic violence stories before the incident of celebrity coverage. Therefore, the research concludes that the majority of public are pushed on the side that is highly influenced by the celebrity and role models
“Rihanna and Chris Brown Are Back Together” (secondary source 1)
The article shows how women are portrayed as victims of this gender violence in the media through celebrities. The article helps the reader to comprehend the relationships and how they have been changed to abusive relationships in the media. In a relationship, Chris brown and Rihanna both have been making the headlines about their abusive relationship. They both released songs featuring one another; “Turn up the Music” by Chris Brown and “Birthday Cake” by Rihanna. The occasion in the media is portrayed as strongly outlined male in a negative manner, but still Chris Brown remained in the top of music charts featuring the girl that he supposedly attacked (Elizabeth, 2009).
The main concern with this instance, and others that are portrayed by media, is what kind of reason that these instances portray to the people in the society who may be victims of the same situations. Featuring Chris Brown, Rihanna seems to be excusing what Chris Brown committed to her. This indicates a possible restart of their relationship tending to ignore the violent that they had encountered.
"Where Them Bloggers At?" Reflections on Rihanna, Accountability, and Survivor Subjectivity
The article illustrates how the young girls in the society merely understand that not all domestic violence behaves in such a way. However, one cannot rule out the likelihood when they are subjected to abuse. People in the society are blinded by the media instances that they cannot realize how bad their situation has developed.
At home, the visible violence is connected to domestic violence because it results to violation of the rights of the abused victim. The article provides an example of visible violence is the physical violence such s attacks, fighting and batter violence. This could be outlined as a more violent form of domestic violence because the incident could affect public as well. As a result, the victims are more affected mentally and find it difficult to cope with the situation. Media is a strong influence in such a way that young girls tend to copy what their role model or celebrities does.
Works cited
Maxwell, Kimberly A.; Huxford, John; Borum, Catherine; Hornik, Robert. Covering Domestic Violence: How the O.J. Simpson Case Shaped Reporting of Domestic Violence in the News Media Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 77, No. 2, 2001
Brown, DeNeen L. and Ashley Surdin, "Chris Brown Pleads Guilty to Assault." The Washington Post, June 23,2009.
Leonard, Elizabeth. "Rihanna and Chris Brown Are Back Together." People, February 27, 2009,,20262240,00.html.