According to transitional cognitive model, individuals always differ in their vulnerability and sensitivity to stressful events. Hence, there are numerous ways of explaining the variations in aggressive behaviors of drivers. Due to aggressive behaviors in driving, traffic offenses and road accidents has increased, leading to a series of study.
Those drivers using problem-solving approach to stress are in a position of experiencing less perceiving stress. On the other hand, those who use instrumental aggression, manifest more stress. Furthermore, there is a link between driving styles and perceived stress.
A sample of 226 drivers was subjected to the research, in this sample 67% were women. Certainly, all the participants were affiliates of a university in central Israel. The sample was then subjected to both observational and questionnaire techniques. The instruments used included state-trait anxiety inventory, in this method, participants were to present their feelings on the scale from one to four in ascending.
The second instrument used was a checklist for various ways of coping styles; the instrument was in a form of questionnaire. The third instrument used was DBI (Driving Behavior Inventory), the questionnaire focused on biographical question. It included, driving habits, driving experience, and reactions. All these methods of collecting data were translated into Hebrew. Before carrying out the research, the managers were informed on the methods used to collect information and aims of the study. Moreover, the days to carry the study were put in place according to venue. The questionnaires were all distributed in a span of four days.
The results showed a significant correlation between levels of perceived stress and problem-oriented style of coping. This observation was a negative correlation, meaning the higher the problem oriented-coping, the lesser the stress. Additionally, it was clear that interaction and various coping styles led to variation of aggressive driving. From the study it was clear that stress was one of the causes of aggressive behaviors among the drivers.
The research was very successful, but the generalization of the results to other different population is always limited to various reasons. Furthermore, the observations that were collected during the day did not give room to observing other action such us high beaming and light flashing. Generally, the research was successful in examining effectiveness of stress coping and its causes.