Part 1
In the first article writers did not respond to what others said about their topic. As such, the discussion seemed bias and an empty lacking enough evidence. Alternative while the second article did not have numerous references on the topic the author cited hat others said and was more profound in arguing. Neither of the authors in stated the value of their work and announced the plan for their papers. Readers were left or guess or conclude that there was no plan. No stand regarding whether others might disagree with the position that as taken as communicated to readers. Hence, the arguments seemed highly subjective.
Part 11: Analyzing Problems and research paper 265433
The problem pertains to type 2 diabetes mellitus; its complications and what the public and those affected know about how complications affect the quality of their life. While many diabetics know that this disease is incurable, no further precise information is communicated regarding complications and how to postpone them. This disease from research affects minorities mostly in the society because they are not screened early due to lack of adequate health insurance coverage. African Americans and Mexican Hispanics are the minorities mostly affected.
Some previous actions have been taken to address this problem include diabetic/ blood sugar level screening. Limitations to this aspect of the intervention is that even though clients might be told that their blood sugar levels are high though a road side screening or a nurse conducting screening at an event, they seldom follow up. Delayed blood sugar management is dangerous and results in early emergence of complications.
Many self-management programs also have been adapted for person dealing with chronic diabetes mellitus when complications become overwhelming. There are as much people dealing with sever complications of type 2 diabetes than ought to be if health care in America delivered the quality that is expected to citizens. The Stanford chronic disease model has been applied in many community and church setting to help diabetics manage their blood sugar levels and complications which have arisen from the disease.
There are no specific solutions, currently in place to address type diabetes much more its complications. Attempts at health promotion seem a failure. Diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disease affecting developed nations. United States of America has the highest rates of type 2 diabetic among developing nations. A large percentage of them already have become chronic. Every day on the news it is communicated how costly health care in America has become. Medicare; Medicaid and private insurances under managed care do not cover many health care services.
This problem could be solved by congress making health care more accessible to minorities in America. It has not been solved yet because of the group affected. The problem has not been solved yet because minorities and the poor are mostly affected. In any country poverty makes them vulnerable leaving them without a voice if there is no one to advocate for them
Part 3:- Evaluating sources
Schramm, T. Gislason, G. Køber, L. Rasmussen, S. Rasmussen, J. Abildstrøm, S. Hansen,M.
Folke, F. Buch, P., & Madsen, M. (2008). Diabetes patients requiring glucose-lowering
Therapy. Circulation, 117: 1945– 1954
Credible Authors: These authors are all specialists in diabetes care. They have formed a research team investigating various aspects of diabetes management and complications of the disease. Most of their research studies have been published in several journals across the country and internationally. They are all medical doctors specializing in a number of disciplines including cardiology.
Reliable publisher: Circulation is a renowned academic journal, which publishes article of a very high academic caliber. For credibility/ reliability most published articles are from a team of research specialists. The publisher has satisfied all licensing requirements and is current.
Accuracy: - Accuracy is measured based on sample size, population appropriateness and methodology adapted to conduct the study. When these criteria are considered the conclusion derived from this study is accurate.
Currency: - The article is current because it was first published in 2008 and has been updated to 2013
Objectivity: - Objectivity lies in the methods adapted for the research and the research team’s expected outcomes. It was clear that they did not shape these outcomes, but simply allowed them to emerge.
Waugh, N.Cummins, E. Royle, P. Clar, C. Marien, M. Richter, B. Philip, S. (2010). Newer
agents for blood glucose control in type 2 diabetes: systematic review and economic
evaluation. Health technology assessment. Winchester, England, 14 (36), 1–248
Credible authors: - These researchers are specialists in their various disciplines and combine expertise to conduct this review. Most of their research studies have been published in several journals across the country and internationally. They are all medical doctors specializing in a number of disciplines including cardiology
Reliable publisher: - Health Technology Assessment publishes works of many authors from a wide range of disciplines. The company has credible editors who work closely with authors during the publishing process.
Accuracy: Accuracy is measured based on sample size, population appropriateness and methodology adapted to conduct the study. When these criteria are considered the conclusion derived from this study is accurate
Currency: - The article is current because it was first published in 2010 and has been updated to 2013
Objectivity: - Objectivity lies in the methods adapted for the research and the research team’s expected outcomes. It was clear that they did not shape these outcomes, but simply allowed them to emerge.