Description of Rhetorical choices narrative
Following the writing of three memos on my behalf addressing specific audience, each holding its own context, style and tone, thus consisting a different piece of its kind, I am about to present you with an analysis on the rhetorical choices concerning the above mentioned narratives. It is common knowledge that writing in terms of its format, style and tone as well as its context, is constructed according to specific rules deriving from its kind and goals. Thus, each one of the three memos written on my behalf, an office behavior memo, a congratulatory and an organization one holds its own distinctive characteristics. The aim of this essay is to present you with their specific distinctive characteristics, analyzing them from the perspective of justified rhetorical choices.
1. Rhetorical choices of the Office Behavior Memo
The Office Behavior Memo is a memo of delicate context since it is addressed to all employees regardless of their post in the company drawing their attention to an issue of their working behavior. It is written in a formal style, of neutral tone since any kind of possible misunderstanding ought to be eliminated. The memo draws everybody’s attention to the delicate matter of knowing how to use internet communication tools, emphasizing on their professional use and not personalizing their use. No hint regarding a troubling behavior is left. The writer of the memo takes as granted that no one uses these tools in the wrong way so that this pre-supposition can be used on his behalf as a basis for his goal. The use of this pre-supposotion os what is known as identification, finding a common ground. Since everyone knows the importance of using them in the right way, then this memo just shares this kind of knowledge with all employees since they are all members of the same team. The message is put across in such a way that no room for any personal offence is left and the strict punishment is what is expected in case of a different attitude. The illustration, examples on the clarification and explanation of what the wrong use of these tools is, is also used. The memo ends with a typical formal conclusion, in dignified, impersonal language.
2. Rhetorical choices of the Congratulation Memo
In the congratulation memo formal language is also used but the tone is more personal and of more emotional context when addressed to the one colleague who earned the promotion. The colleague’s behavior and work is used as allusion as well as an analogy. The reference to Jean Ralphio’s behavior (the colleague who earned the promotion) and skills which earned him his promotion is first of all used as a reference to something real (allusion). So, all the rest are led to be illustrated what are the skills and behavior necessary for a promotion. Simultaneously, an indirect comparison is made on behalf of the writer between Ralphio’s working profile and the others. Similarly to the first memo, formal language is used once more. The main difference lies in the personalization of its style since it indirectly expresses feelings of admiration to the winner and encouragement to the others on behalf of the writer.
3. Rhetorical choices of the Organization Memo
The Organization Memo uses mainly Moral reasoning, Stating credentials, and Identification, concerning its main rhetorical choices. It is a memo which shares the sense of ethical values concerning the cash box which ought to be treated with high caution on behalf of those who have access to its key. So this moral reasoning becomes the main reason why anyone who could know anything ought to share this knowledge. Here the writer uses the choice of Stating credentials, since it is made clear that his credentials are the safety valve for those who may know something but are hesitant to reveal it. It is his credibility which reassures them for confidentiality. Last but not least a kind of emotional appeal to the recipients’ knowledge and ethical values is used since the writer focuses on the identification of the integrity of all cabinet members who are widely respected for their length of time in their services and their integrity. Formal language is used once more since it is a formal piece of writing.
Rhetorical choices are various depending on the goal of the writer, the audience addressed and the context within which each writing is expected to serve its goal. All the above described memos manage sufficiently to serve their goals and put across their messages.