Role of the America citizen in democracy
This paper aims at examining the role of the American citizens in democracy. However, before the author explores what roles the American citizens play in ensuring that democracy prevails in the country, it is prudent that we look at what is democracy. Actually, democracy has myriad of meanings especially to the citizens of America. For instance, it may mean the natural rights, liberty and even the equality of dealing with people in the country. However, despite of this solemn definition of democracy, it has always been on record that at times it may be extremely difficult for the government to practice the true value and spirit of democracy. In that regards, it therefore calls for the solemn citizens of the country to come out courageously in order to defend their democracy. Smith (1998).
In the United States of America, democracy is examined in the context of the relationship which exists between freedom and the equality in the society. For democracy to exist in the country, the leaders in place should ensure that there exists equality in terms of the distribution of resources. The individual citizens have the responsibility of keeping the government on check so as to ensure that they perform what they had been elected to do. Levine (2007).
As American citizens have to realize that living together as American poses problems and also living with other people also poses more problems yet they have to courageously face these problems. Americans have to take their places and be their own sailors if they are to improve their constitutional democracy. They have to fight day and night and also be vigilant. At times, they will be expected to set aside their interests and focus on interest that cumulatively benefits each individual citizen in the United States of America.
It is prudent to note that Americans have to ensure that the freedom that they cherish is made secure by taking part in public life and in their self governance. Because if they don’t do so, then they are likely to find themselves in a quagmire state. It is crucial to acknowledge that rights from their founding fathers. In order to ensure that democracy remains to be the order of the day in America, the citizens have the responsibility to emphasize on the civic virtue, moral education and for the above all to put the interest of the country first before their personal interest.
Liberalism asserts about the importance of the primacy of the individual American citizens which has the following crucial tenets.
The individual, his freedom and his/her rights are the supreme value. Secondly, Liberalism which draws on the natural rights of philosophy. The government has the responsibility to ensure that the rights of the citizens are secure and that they can freely exercise their rights in the country. Each citizen should be able to have freedom in order to determine what is right and wrong for the interest of the country. In short, the interest of the country should come first.
Despite of the importance of citizens in democracy, some hiccups have actually led to citizens in America failing to effectively and adequately participate in strengthening democracy in the country. Some of these hindrances include: inadequate civic education and also the tendency to ignore the relationship between the rights and responsibility of an individual citizen. These impediments have interfered with the role of citizens in constitutional democracy in the United States of America.
Actually, in America, the government and the citizens are expected to act in certain ways in order to strengthen democracy in the country. Both the government and citizens have their respective roles and responsibilities aimed at nurturing democracy in the country. The government has to ensure that the freedom of the citizens are guaranteed and protected. On the other hand, the citizens have the responsibility of setting aside their interest and acting on the interests of the country. However, for the citizens to fully understand and appreciate their roles, they have to understand the role of citizenship in America.
The American democracy is always strengthened by the citizens who ensure that their leaders perform to the fullest. The citizens have to be vigilant. They should act as watch dogs so as to monitor whether the government is doing the right thing or not. The citizens also have the responsibility to put aside their personal desires and to choose what is right for the common good of the country so as to further strengthen democracy. However, to make this critical judgment, the citizens have to understand the difference which exists between the civic and the personal responsibilities if they are to effectively perform their roles. The following paragraph examines the division of the responsibilities of the American citizens in constitutional democracy. Milner, (2002).
First and foremost, the citizens have personal responsibilities; the citizens of America have personal responsibilities to ensure that democracy prevails in the country. The Americans have the fundamental responsibility of ensuring that they defend positions regarding the role individual play in nurturing constitutional democracy. In order to achieve this role, the citizens should be able to explain the differences existing between personal and the civic responsibilities in the country. The citizens should also be able to evaluate the importance of individual and the society of taking care of one’s self and to adhere to moral standards.
Civic responsibilities; the American citizens should be able to evaluate, take and then defend positions on issues regarding civic responsibilities of the citizens of America. In order to achieve this, the citizens should be able to obey the law, evaluate the importance of each citizen o reaffirming the basic constitutional principles among others. Gibson (2012).
In conclusion it is important to note that the American citizens have the responsibility of ensuring that their democracy is well nurtured. They have to be vigilant all the time and to ensure that the leaders they elect follow the rule of law. In order to achieve this, they will be required to set aside their interests and to ensure that the interest of the country comes first for the common good of the country.
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