Even if obesity has tapered off in the United States and contrary to our very worst fears, it is clear that dropping the overall rate of 38% of obese adults is a challenge that one can take on from a public health standpoint (“Obesity Rates”, 2017). Without a doubt, the Root Cause Analysis tool can come in handy here given that its five clear steps can help us get to the crux of the problem (“Root Cause”, 2017). So, without any further ado, let’s find long lasting solutions for the obesity problems in the United States.
In regard to the obesity problem, it is clear that the statistics involved in obese adults in the United States is really high. Quite clearly, one can blame the kind of food that they eat - mostly meat - for this reason. It is an evident symptom that common sense will bring up if you look at this problem from first glance. However, these are just symptoms, as Root Cause Analysis, believes with more underlying causes that are not necessarily evident at first and which requires us to look a little closer than usual at the problem.
Step Two: Collect Data
There’s plenty of proof that obesity is definitely a problem in the United States since the overall states clearly indicate that almost half the adult population is in the vicinity of obesity. One cannot help but point out that this condition, from whatever lifestyle that is pursued by individuals, leads to a host of diseases such as Cancer, high blood pressure, Type 2 Diabetes, heart diseases as well as bone and joint disease (“Effects of Obesity”, 2016). While at an individual level, this can lead to a host of mental issues such as a lack of self-esteem, depression or even a desire to be less productive, this has far-reaching consequences on the economy and the American workplace as well. So, without a doubt, tackling obesity in the United States is the key to happy and healthy population.
Step Three: Identify Possible Causal Factors
So, why do people turn obese? Is it just their fault? Or can it be blamed on the environment around them? Using the 5 Whys Analysis, the most important cause is that of their daily diet and a lack of exercise given the daily grind that adults have to keep up with (“Root Cause”, 2017). One can attribute this lack of appreciation for a healthier life to the need to keep with their adult responsibilities be it work, their families among other responsibilities. Moreover, organizations such as the government or the places where they work at do not emphasize the importance of avoiding obesity at all costs. For that matter, even for-profit organization that sell food tend to cost much more when it comes to healthy, organic food while gym memberships tend to cost no less either. But why are government organizations not cognizant of these rising obesity trends? Quite ironically, why do gyms not encourage membership by lowering prices. Of course, the obvious answer to this is that the cost of living has certainly gone and the price that one pays in order to keep up with the bills and payments pertains to their personal health. So, why has the cost of living gone up? Blame it on inflation, expenditure on unnecessary items by families or even businesses or the government failing to do their due diligence to keep costs at a minimum. But if one asks why this happened, it is clear that the general mood to increase profitability as much as possible where corporations have to stay in the green regardless of whether the actions they take are ethical or not. Since the main cause of obesity lies in the food that one eats, the solution clearly points to the source of their food, even if it means looking at the corporations or farmers that don’t necessarily produce food in the best interests of their customers.
Step Four: Identify Root Cause
Based on the Five Whys analysis performed earlier, one can see that the practices of the corporations and farmers have been the root cause of this damage. If one must seeks to bring down the obesity numbers within the country, it is in this area where solutions must be directed - not at providing temporary solutions such as crash diets and so on and so forth.
Step Five: Recommend and Implement Solutions
If anything, government must lessen the burden on farmers and corporations that produce food by helping them increase productivity but also profitability in a tough market. In fact, the more farmer’s markets that are made available to the people, the source from which they get their food will turn out to be healthier and cleaner too. As for meat-based products, strict rules have to be put into place as to how animals are being treated when they are reared or even slaughtered. But that’s not all: a general awareness of this problem must be raised in society so that corporations are aware of maintaining the strictest standards while people understand how portion control can truly help them stay in control of their obesity levels. In other words, there is only one entity that can target these solutions at various levels of society - the government that we have elected. Of course, a lot is being done at this point and which is why adult obesity levels have reduced in recent years but this effort to keep the public informed as well as the corporations and farmers under control lies in their hands. It’s a difficult task but is one that is worth undertaking as happier and healthier people can only contribute much more to the economy than those who are obese. Since at the heart of this problem lies the issue of cost, the government must definitely strive to offer subsidies to these organizations so that they don’t have to look for cost-cutting measures and which have a far-reaching effect on consumers. Having said that, the punishments for infringing on the clear rules should also be severe so that both these for-profit entities would be kept in check. One can clearly see how lightening the burden of farmers itself can ensure that healthy food reaches its consumers who might be miles away.
In closing, the solutions that are offered are just the start since there are a number of reasons why people turn obese. Yet for a start, just dealing with the source that produces food for its consumers will result in half the battle won. Of course, there are going to be people who do not understand portion control or cannot resist unhealthy foods but over time, these people will in the minority - under 5% - where the overall figures of obesity should ideally be in any First World country much like the United States.
Root Cause Analysis. (2017). Mind Tools. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newTMC_80.htm
Obesity Rates & Trends Overview. (2017). The State of Obesity Website. Retrieved from http://stateofobesity.org/obesity-rates-trends-overview/
Effects of Obesity. (2016). Stanford Health Care. Retrieved from https://stanfordhealthcare.org/medical-conditions/healthy-living/obesity.html