Complementary and alternatives medicines (CAM) contain a broad variety of intercessions, from weight control plans and supplements to reflection and T'ai Chi that originates from a wide range of orders and customs. Most are thought to be outside the domain of traditional drug, in spite of the fact that others, including vitamin D, work out, needle therapy and cooling technique are being used in scientific research. CAM has been of great use to many people. For example, a variety of substitute therapies may be given to minimize the dangerous effects of stress. Some of the therapies are Reiki, hypnosis and herbal therapies (In Edelman, In Mandle & In Kudzma, 2014, p. 977).
Ultimately, many individuals utilize CAM since they trust that anything sold on the web or over-the-counter at a drug store or wellbeing nourishment store is sound and safe. Yet, numerous items that claim to be protected and valuable may not be. Not at all like customary medicinal medications that are completely tried and deliberately directed by the U.S. Sustenance and Drug Administration (FDA), most CAM treatments have experienced almost no, if any, logical review to assess their wellbeing and adequacy. Therefore, people may gain help from the nurses so as to determine the safety of the CAM (In Edelman, In Mandle & In Kudzma, 2014, p. 977-978). For example, stress patients who have a mental disorder should not use hypnosis as a stress therapy.
In particular, a holistic nurse is one that uses a different treatment and some of the interventions made by holistic nurses are music therapy, massage, prayer meditation and body exercise (Kayne, 2012). Some of the benefits related to using holistic approach are;
The holistic approach stresses on the watch over of the entire body not only the infected area.
The holistic nurses not only focus on the disease but also the cause of the illness.
The holistic approach sees ailments in an unexpected way, more of a means of personal growth and healing.
The American Holistic Nurses Association, have gone a step further by educating the public on the importance of holistic nursing. The complementary and alternative medicines are vital in the medical sector. However, precautions should be taken before using any CAM.
Edelman, C., Mandle, C. L., & Kudzma, E. C. (2014). Health promotion throughout the life span (8th Ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.
Kayne, S. B. (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine. London: Pharmaceutical Press.