Part 1:
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), occupational health and safety is an important aspect of public health that needs a collective approach by all the stakeholders involved in the issue. The CDC, in its website, states the various occupational health and safety areas which need focus owing by the health and safety risks they pose to the workers. In this list, machine safety tops the list most focused on by CDC as pertinent.
Machine safety is an important aspect of workplace which generates many risks to the health and safety of the workers. This fact comes true owing to the numerous risk areas that most machines exhibit. These aspects may include, sharp edges, hot surfaces and moving parts. A program implemented with the aim of improving machine safety would employ a hierarchy of measures implemented in line with the degree of risk each machine presents, with the ultimate aim of eliminating the risk, where possible.
The first aspect concentrated on in ensuring maximum safety is identification of the risk. After identification, measures are implemented aimed at eliminating the risk. This might by design, or choosing machines designed in a manner that circumvents the risk such as exposure and unnecessary motion of parts. If the risk is not eliminated, physical barriers are elected around the machine posing the risk; these barriers work to keep off unnecessary entrance into the risk areas. The barriers may include plastic, and or metal enclosures of the area/ machine. If the machine and or the area cannot be shielded off, the company should implement a policy of monitored access to the machine, and or area. This measure is implemented by placing of qualified supervisors who approve access to authorized individuals to the area that would pose a risk of injury. In cases where a machine is utilized extensively, but still poses a risk to the health and safety of the workers, the company should motivate safety by means of increasing awareness of the risks involved to the workers. This can be achieved by seminars and training on the workers handling the machine (Steve, et al, par 12). Further, provision of protective equipment to the workers should be instituted. Safety in this measure is increased by improving the working conditions by high awareness amongst the workers while shielding them from potential harm by provision of protective equipment such as clothing and specialized machine handling additions.
These measures go beyond the compliance needs the company needs to meet. According to research conducted by Aberdeen Group on more than 200 organizations, found the companies to enjoy on average, 4% improved equipment effectiveness, 71% reduction in injury frequency rates and a 50% improvement on energy utilization efficiency, by implementation of executive backed machine safety programs (CDC, par 7).
The institution of such measures aimed at improving machine safety in the company would be implemented on a reducing priority basis. For instance, it would be unwise for a company to institute a measure such as fencing off the machine while it has not attempted eliminating the risk through measures such as redesigning the machine or replacing the risky machine. Priority in implementation would therefore begin with attempted removal of the risk, with the other measures instituted only after the failure of the preceding measure as listed above in the program description.
In promoting machine safety, the workers need be educated on appropriate methods of machine handling. It is important to start with a sensitization on the need of maintaining machine safety among the workers, in this way, the workers may be readily willing to cooperate with the training program. The emphasis would be insistence on avoidance of machines that pose a threat to safety. If the workers cannot avoid the machine, they are the trained on the workings of the machine and the measures they need employ while working with the machine. The workers should be induced into a mentorship program thenceforth, aimed at monitoring their execution of safety measures impacted by the training program.
Part 2:
Maintenance of good working relations between workers and their employers is an important aspect affecting productivity of the employees. It is paramount that these relations are maintained for the continuity of productivity and trust between the employee and their employers. Particularly, workers exposed to harm and injury risks require close care by their employers to improve on their efficiency as workers, thus improving their tendency to engaging in safe practice. Some of the measures that an employer may employ in maintaining these relations include the institution of programs such as employee assistance programs.
Employee assistance programs are offered by companies to their employees in helping them deal with personal problems that have the potential to impact negatively on the work performance of an employee, health, and general well-being. By their wide definition (EAPs) have the capacity to include a wide range of benefits under its roof (Steve, et al, par 8). Typically, these benefits include services such as counseling for the employee and their family members, grants to employees with special needs, such as needy dependents and many similar services and products.
While the EAPs may apply to a wide range of industries, some of the industries likely to find use for these services include, manufacturing industries engaged in heavy utilization of machines in their activities. The nature of machine operation requires that the worker employ a high degree of concentration in their job execution. The application EAPs helps in reducing stress during work hours which in turn improves the efficiency of the workers while at the same time reducing machine accidents. In this relation, a production company may utilize EAP programs as a means of compensating workers involved in machine and workplace hazards with the aim of making them feel appreciated at the firm and in a bid at improving their readiness to work at the same department where they suffered misfortune.
While many safety and compensation measures are imposed by regulation on a company, voluntary implementation promises greater reward in terms of employee cooperation and productivity. The implementation of safety and compensation policies in a company should therefore be treated as common practices rather than the exception, or a seasonal engagement.
Works Cited
CDC. "CDC - Machine Safety - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topic." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Center for Disease Control, 29 May 2013. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.
Steve Ludwig, Mary Joann Thurman. "Improving Your Machine Safety Program -- Occupational Health & Safety." Occupational Health & Safety: keeping the workplace safe from hazards and in full compliance with laws and regulations -- Occupational Health & Safety. OHS, (Occupational Health and Safety), 15 Dec. 2010. Web. 3 Apr. 2014.