Writing Supplement (Question 1)
The modern world is oriented on consumerism and consumption. People barely think what amount of resources was used to produce one goods or another, not even thinking what kind of damage was produced to the surrounding environment. However, just a few people stop to think how these rates of production development and such rise of consumption are possible.
The world leaders should remind everyone that everything comes with a price. The awareness of the damage caused to the environment will not save the world. Now actions are expected. The situation has gone too far, and global warming is no longer a scientific threat. It is the reality we live in. 2016 was officially recognized as the warmest year in the history of meteorological observations. Religious leaders like Pope Francis are also concerned with this problem. In the 21st century lots of crises are caused by one simple reason which name is climate change. The problem is no longer local to some region, or caused by a few issues. Climate change produced a vicious circle of dramatic consequences that impacted every country, regardless of its financial position.
Environmental problems produce the vast majority of social and economic issues that make people change their places of living, the environment that is natural to them, and go search for better conditions. Such shifts produce enormous burden for the recipient countries, whose economy and politics are impacted. Many people are left without food and water that also becomes a global concern. However, despite a huge body of research on this issue and loud claims regarding protection of the environment, some aspects are still not covered. One of them is distribution of goods. Climate change affects even the finest details of human infrastructure, but the major concern should be the social aspect. The poor get poorer, while the rich yet have an opportunity to maintain previous standards of living. However, some goods may happen to be less available of scarce in the near future. This will make the social situation even worse.
Moreover, change of channels of distribution of goods may lead to dramatic shifts in the economic lives of many countries. As soon as one country loses its practical value, the entire chain of economic connections becomes a waste. Economic problems may become a source of political turmoil and wars for new markets or new resources (some of modern conflicts can already have such underlying cause).Distribution of goods may seem a secondary challenge, but it makes the entire scale of the problem even bigger. Poor knowledge of its effects may result in more dramatic consequences and emergence of new challenges that would be more difficult to overcome. Secondary arising issues will produce new complex problems to make the situation with climate change even more irreversible.
Climate change is no longer a sole problem; it is an umbrella that incorporates lots of issues that have recently emerged. The development of production and technologies praised by everyone resulted in unprecedented consequences which are hard to be dealt with. Even the common care about our ‘common home’ may require significant actions to be successful.