In the article “A Look Behind the Veil” written by Elizabeth W. Fernea and Robert, A. Fernea, the meanings and interpretations of the veil are put to focus. The veil has different names given to it by different people who use it from all over the world. The veil has elicited debate among other people from other parts of the works who do not use it with regard to the core restrictions that it accords women. The question is whether it should be considered as a demeaning symbol that depicts women inferior and unequal to men. Women outside of the areas where a veil is used gave their opinion on why they think the practice should not continue. In as much as some women from this part of the world believe it is right, the western world wonders why such a demeaning practice of wearing a veil is allowed to continue.
Some of the complaints that came from women outside of the Middle East and counties where women are supposed to veil themselves think this is unfair. Others believe that men are allowed to suppress women and that it is a form of disrespecting women. On the other hand, men and women in the Middle East do not find it disrespectful. Instead, they choose to see the purposes veiling is intended to achieve. There are those who think that men’s status is safeguarded as well as their power and manliness. A veil is also supposed to give a woman her honor. It is not that they are offended but it is a practice that men and most of the omen find no problem practicing. It is from this perspective that westerners ought to understand the people themselves and where and why this practice is upheld in the Middle East.
It is a duty of a woman to cover herself in the Muslim world. This helps protect them from several bad things that can happen to them if they remained uncovered. One of the main reasons why they veil themselves is to avoid tempting men who may end up being led astray from their religious convictions. When the young men are not tempted, women will be kept safe from earring eyes of men which may lead to the temptation of their morals which make up the moral center of all devout Muslims. At the same time, veiling will go a long way into presenting a woman for judgment for who she is and not how she looks. Women will be identified to belong to a certain status by veiling themselves. Veiled women are always seen to belong to a certain class which is respected and accepted by society in the Muslim world.
Many of the women would rather veil themselves because it is a religious act. According to them, this is just a simple sign of their commitment to their religion. They see veiling as a socially enacted ritual meant to benefit them. This is comparable to the use of high heels in western countries. Women there put on their heels as a sign of class and self identity. Their veil is not any different. Aside from defining their identity it protects them from sexual predators as well as immoral thoughts from men. Instead of making immoral judgments, it’s ideal that they safeguard their tradition and practice for it defines them and their religious convictions too.