Honesty is the virtue of being straight forward in ones thought and deeds. It is the act of denouncing deceit. Many people especially children find it very hard to abide by the truth. Honesty can define a child’s character development and moral growth. Dishonest children always grow up with much veered off characters such as being deceitful, unfaithful or fraudulent. These characters are socially unacceptable and may jeopardize a child’s public relations with their neighbors. Besides, children who are dishonest always lock horns with their parents and relatives because they are always trouble shooters. Contrary to this, honest children are humble, respectful, loyal and heed to instructions very carefully. Honesty is a positive influence in the character and moral development of a child. However, dishonesty impacts negatively on children’s moral development and character orientation. (Roberts 6)
In education, honesty is a key element of success. Students who are honest with themselves are achievers. They receive trust and approval from their classmates, teachers, school administrators and the entire school community. Such students are disciplined and always entrusted with crucial school responsibilities such as leadership. In academics, honest students do not cheat in their examinations. They are often confident with their abilities and do believe that they can perform even in what others perceive difficult. Honest students shine in their homes, schools and the whole villages. A student who wants to excel in his/her academic s must practice honesty and high integrity. (Raatma 15)
On the other hand, dishonest students do not believe in their abilities. They do not concentrate in their class work as their busy devising other means of passing examinations. Such students would practice truancy. This is a form of dishonesty. They would cheat their parents that they do attend school as usual but end up in other places of their interest. Some of dishonest students go an extra mile even to fake their teachers’ signatures and they mark their assignments. Dishonest students do cheat in their examinations. They are nagging and do complain of one teacher hating them or not teaching well. They do complain of missing marks, wrong entries. (Roberts 10)
Parents should adopt good corrective measures for their children whenever they do mistakes. This is because many children resort to lying to their parents to avoid harsh punishment. Parents should therefore use friendly methods that aim at correcting the mistake but not instilling fear in their children. This motivates honesty and morality in such children. Besides, parents should be role models that their children can admire and emulate. Dishonest parents train their children adore such practices. For example, if they are thieves, their children would end up stealing.
Honesty in school is a matter of collective efforts from both the parents and teachers. Parents should follow up their children’s progress in school. They should also discuss problems that they children face in daily basis. In this way, they can freely create a platform from which these children can openly air their views. This can solve problems such as truancy, theft and indiscipline. For instance, if the parents provide for all the needs of their child, he/she may not attempt to steal. Similarly, parents should understand their children’s academic weaknesses and advise them accordingly. Parents should encourage their children to honestly work hard to attain better grades.
Words Cited
Leidner, Gordon. “Abraham Lincoln's great laws of truth, integrity: A long career ruled by honesty.” Greatamericanhistory.net. 24 Nov. 2012. Web. 18 Feb. 2009.
Raatma, Lucia. Honesty. New York: Capstone, 2005: Print.
Roberts, Cynthia. Honesty. illustrated. Eden Prairie: Child's World, 2007: Print.