- I learnt that emotional intelligence is all about how people manage themselves and how people manage their relationships. There five skills that make one emotionally intelligent. The skills include self-awareness, which entails knowing how to make use of own feelings and listen to own self. Managing emotions involve knowing how to control ones emotions and tempers. Motivation, which allows one to stay, focused on the goals despite the setbacks. Empathy entails knowing how people speak to other human beings. Social relationships are another key skill of emotional intelligence. I learnt that emotional part of the brain is more powerful. Emotional intelligence varies in both genders but they all are average. Companies look for employees that have different abilities. The abilities include technical ability, cognitive abilities and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the most vital skill that organizations look for.
The workplace is changing, and nowadays people do not leave the organization, they leave their bosses. This makes it difficult to have employees in the organization. People with strong emotional abilities make people develop in their skills. Organizations need to change their way of training the employ different tactics to employees. The training should not center on academic training but instead train the neocortex part of the brain (Daniel Goleman Explains Emotional Intelligence). Emotional intelligence of people improves over time if they want to do so. They build as one continues practicing taking new challenging roles. Leadership requires emotional skills to help them manage and lead people in the organization. The leader sets the tone for the whole organization. Companies and organizations need to have a culture that encourages emotional intelligence to ensure that they attain their objectives. It allows an organization to care for its customers and the employees. I have learnt that emotional intelligence in organizations allows them to have satisfied customers. Individuals and organizations need to devote their energies to develop their emotional intelligence if they are to succeed. Parents need to prepare children to have emotional intelligence.
- The article refers to an effective leader as a person with high emotional intelligence (Goleman, 2004). The article provides that organizations nowadays hire psychologists to help them hire, train and develop their employees.
- The article talks about how leadership and emotional intelligence integrate. Emotional intelligence according to the article is the capacity of individuals to reason and perceive their emotions. The article talks of ways of evaluating emotional intelligence as being contradictory. Emotional intelligence is the key component to ensuring effective leadership. Emotional intelligence enables leaders to work with members of the organization without conflict. It helps leaders to motivate their team members and help them transform to what they desire. Managers with high emotional intelligence perform better in comparison to leaders that have low emotional intelligence. The employees that possess high emotional intelligence are creative and empathetic. This leads to high productivity and effectiveness in organizations. Organizations therefore, need to incorporate emotional intelligence tests in their procedures of selecting employees to join the organization (Sadri, 2012). Emotional intelligence training is important and organizations should consider it important to train leaders on emotional intelligence skills. This article is important in giving the important aspects the organization should concentrate its energies.
- Emotional intelligence affects every person regardless of the field. Emotional intelligence affects the skills of the public health professionals. It affects the following actors: awareness, social skills, empathy, self-regulation and motivation. The factors determine the type of leadership that the health professionals adopt to use.
Daniel Goleman Explains Emotional Intelligence [Video file]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeJ3FF1yFyc
Goleman, D. (2004). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review.
Sadri, G. (2012). Emotional intelligence and leadership development. Public Personnel Management 41(3), 535-548.