In accordance to the rules by the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), a health-related website can be evaluated to reveal its capacity to demonstrate the required essentials. Taking the WebMD as the base website, an evaluation with respect to each tag depicted by the rules will reveal the viability of the website (Fierce Healthcare, 2006). The WebMD is a website that provides relevant information on a wide variety of conditions. The website is sponsored by various accredited associations which are classified with respect to each service it offers. To be specific, the website is overlooked by the American Medical Association. This aspect of external evaluation by accredited medical associations ensures that their products are reasonable and balanced. Additionally, each information, a customer seeks from the website is documented in distinct databases accessible to account members.
Moreover, the information provided on the main stakeholders list provides credentials of fully licensed professional medical professional that are mandated by trusted watchtowers to provide care through such media. Furthermore, the website provides policies through which a customer acquires information, how they source information and donations from well-wishers and their sponsors as well as the extent to which they are linked to government policies. As a matter of fact, information (either on the services offered or on the products accessible) displayed in the website are coupled with an external link to show that it is a multilateral association run by various dependable health associations. A health-related website has to display all these properties and more for it to be ranked as viable and accredited. As a matter of fact, how health-related websites satisfy each of these rules vary from each website to the other, the more auxiliary attachments a website has, the more significant it is.
Fierce Healthcare. (2006, March 12). Telemedicine growth examined. Retrieved 02 22, 2014, from Fierce Healthcare: examined/2006-03-13