The case presents a scenario of hospitality management in which Stephen worked as front desk supervisor for the Boulderado hotel and was simultaneously delegated to train the new front desk clerks. With an experience of almost two years, Stephen was considered legible enough by the front desk manager to ensure that majority of on job nuances for front desk clerks were carried on well. The prime training objectives comprised of various front desk job functions like taking meal breaks, managing computer data entry, etc. The hotel was expecting a quality check by some anonymous mystery shopper and luckily the hotel management came upon the details of the mystery shopper. Consequently, the hotel management selectively planned up to present all the hotel functionalities to the mystery shopper in an immaculate sense. Stephen was given the charge of handling the front desk and the entire aspects of hotel service were deliberately modified to perfection for ensuring a high rating. The various aspects of room service, exterior presentation and systems were updated prior to the appraiser’s arrival. Stephen started the shift at 3: 00 PM and the front desk manager handed him the standard protocol to be followed for apprising the guest regarding meals, complimentary services, etc in the check in process. Although, Stephen memorized the entire process but he defaulted in front of customer as the earlier practiced procedures clashed in his mind. At the end of final appraisal, Stephen was rebuked about the faults he committed and Stephen accounted it towards the flaw of training being delayed by two years and why no errors were pointed to him.
Statement of the problem
The underlying problem in this case is related to inadequate process and functional training implemented by an organization which resulted in flawed performance. In terms of HR jargons, there were flaws in the organizational employee development approach in the on job training methods and the evaluation of post training performance methods.
Possible solutions
Solution A: One of the probable solutions to the above problem can be in terms of modifying the existing process of the on-job training methods so as to include standard protocols. This can be applied in not only front desk service but to all other departments as well.
Pros: The possible merits of above solution can be as follows:
Better on job learning experience in terms of desired prerogatives.
Enhanced compliance to service protocols and better customer satisfaction.
Cons: The possible flaws in the above solution can be as follows:
Lack of adequate post training performance confirmation over desired quality.
Delivery aspects will be learnt but managerial decision making will be missed.
Solution B: Another solution to the above-stated problem can be in terms of hiring HR professionals with experience in training to ensure adequate off-job training and post training based evaluation methods. This can be followed by on job training by the respective managers.
Pros: The possible merits of above solution can be as follows:
Assured training acceptance with standard performance evaluation and outcome.
Better compliance, good practical knowledge, and sustainable customer satisfaction.
Cons: The possible flaws in the above solution can be as follows:
Increase in overall HR operations costs due to additional training and hiring experts.
More time will be taken in preparing the staff land in the on-job learning profiles.
Solution Chosen
The second solution proposed above is the most feasible solution as it gives the holistic cure to handle the issues in both prime aspects of human resource development, the training issues and issues in performance evaluation of the applied training.
Changes proposed: The main change in this solution is to ensure organizational development by creating a learning environment based on adequate off and on job training methods (DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst 211). The off job training should be the first step in overall training of the organizational human resources. This may require organized training in supervision of senior management and experienced trainers so as to render effective traits of adherence to job service quality standards. The usage of simulation based training, field knowledge oriented classroom lectures, and adventure training can be extremely effective in developing the required awareness and skill levels of the workforce (DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst 209).
Following the apt off-job training, there has to be the continuation of (already practiced) on- job training for the staff and new joiners. This process will not only add to the cognitive levels of the employee (developed by off-job training) but will also provide a pragmatic stance on the real time application of learnt concepts and protocols. In the given case, Stephen had already spent two years in the hotel and was assigned with the task of training the new front desk clerks. Although, he himself and the new clerks missed on the front of off job training that would have clearly illustrated the requisites of the front desk service’s standard protocols.
Finally, the final stage in this solution is of expert level performance evaluation methods which must be conducted by both the management staff and HR personnel. This will ensure the adherence to adequate job skills and also to the non quantifiable aspects like attitude and behavioural mandates of the given job of front desk service (DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst 212). Standardized performance appraisal methods utilized by HR professionals can be extremely useful in this regard. The standard four level assessments and control group evaluation method for performance appraisal (of both, post off and on job trainings) can be extremely useful in estimating the compliance levels of the staff (DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst 213).
Rationale behind the given solution and desired impact: The given solution will be effective in terms of rooting out the two prime causes behind the problem, ineffective training due to no HR involvement and absence of post training performance evaluation methods (Tyler 1). Firstly, the HR supervised off job training will give proper insight to the front desk professionals regarding what specific traits, protocols, operating procedures, attitudes, etc. need to be developed and adhered to for excelling on performance.
Following it will be the conventional on job training process will ratify the true essence of real time application of various protocols explained in the off-job training. Finally, the training performance appraisal will conclude the level of knowledge and skills acquired by the staff that have availed this process of training and its evaluation (Tyler 1).
Another critical aspect of this solution is evident from the fact that the on job training is actually given by experienced senior professionals and once this solution is incorporated into the process, the supervisors will also be evaluated in their respective performance. Hence, the service quality and outcome can be repetitively ratified via proven HR processes at all the stages of organizational development process.
The entire implementation process can be divided into following segments of organizational resources which will be subjected to the different phases of the solution.
Who will be involved? The off-job training related orientation and post training performance appraisal will involve the top management, HR professionals, newly-joined clerks, and front desk supervisors. There can be expert trainers hired from the industry who can give some additional insight for the simulation based training methods and in effectively deploying control group based performance evaluation (DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst 216). The supervisors are to be mandatorily included in this process so as to subject them to performance evaluation methodology and hone their skills in on job field training skills.
How the solution will be implemented? There has to be a specific module include into the HRM orientation program which will focus on development of off-job training an cognitive skills development. This might include appraising the involved personnel (above-stated) specific job nuances, detailed simulation for front desk check in process standard procedures, adherence to perfect attributes like communication, behaviour and attitude development. As per the post training performance evaluation, deployment of control group based evaluation will give a practical assessment of the extent to which the training has been successful (Tyler 1).
Within what time frame the solution ought to be implemented? There has to be a least one week of off job training which can be ideally clubbed with the employee orientation program to ensure maximum efficiency in terms of cost and performance. Further, the on job training can be in tandem with the earlier duration. The post training evaluation should be done over a weekend to ensure that least on job time is consumed for such activity.
Control measures for the implementation? The control measures for the process implementation should include the nuance of cognitive ability of trainees, acceptance level from upper management, control group related evaluation measures, and overall project efficiency report that will give an assessment of project success.
Works Cited
DeCENZO, Robbins and Verhulst, Susan. " Fundamentals of human resource management". Wiley & Sons Inc.11th edition: 2013. 197-216. Print.
Tyler, Kathryn. "Train Managers, Maximize Appraisals". 2012. Feb 08. 2016.