Quran and bible are the sacred books of Muslims and Christians respectively. Many important aspects become visible when they are read in detail. From the Koran’s excerpts, the most surprising finding for me is that there is no discrepancy in this holy book. Koran openly challenges all to find and make similar book if you have any doubt in it (Peters). Moreover, it is also surprising to me that God has taken the responsibility of Koran’s protection Himself and has mentioned that “I have revealed this Holy book and I will protect it”, that is why, it is beyond any doubt and there is even no alteration in Holy Koran, it is still present in the form as it was revealed by God. Contrary to it, it is claimed that people have made several amendments in other revealed books.
Furthermore, I was surprised to discover that there are several shared characters between the Koran and the Bible. The God’s concept in the Koran is similar to the one mentioned in the Bible. Several same traits of God are emphasized in the Koran as well as in the Bible. They include that God is omnipotent i.e, He is all powerful and invincible, God is omniscient i.e., He knows everything, God is omni benevolent i.e., He is all good (Naqvi ).
Both books recognize that there is only one God who is the sovereign and independent creator of earth and heaven (Lichtenwalter). Both asserts that God will judge this world someday and both the books unfold the paradox of heavenly immanence and transcendence. The Koran and the Bible also establish that God has given Holy Scriptures and has sent several prophets. Both teaches to love others and make it clear that God awards only the righteous people (Sadia, Badshah, Khan, Begum & Nasrulla, 2011). Both also put emphasis on the good deed such as charitable activities that are beneficial in this world and in the world hereafter.
Lichtenwalter, Larry L. "The Biblical Witness of the Character of God in Relation to the Qur’an." journal of the Adventist Theological Society. 22.2 (2011): 106-153. Print
Naqvi, MD Ejaz. The Quran: With Or Against the Bible?: A Topic-By-Topic Review for the Investigative Mind. Bloomington, United States of America: iUniverse, 2012. Print.
Peters, F.E. The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam: A New Edition. New Jersy, United States: Princeton University Press, 2004. Print.
Sadia, H., Badshah , S. N., Khan, J., Begum, S., & Nasrulla, (2011). “Prophet lot (lūṭ) in the Bible and the Holy Quran”. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, 3(8), 1030-1040.