(Tutor’s Name)
According to Taft, Mayer and Kuniholm, a good painting has the potential to make one inspired, informed, or happy by what one sees (2). However, while making a painting analysis it is important to explore ‘what the particular painter was trying to achieve’ (“Famous paintings..”). A full body is beautiful too is the artistic work I chose for the assignment. This is an excellent painting done by Noopur Goel. I chose this image for its thematic relevance and uniqueness. Although it has certain characteristics of modern art, it is not very complex for one to understand the matter it depicts. This art includes some contrasting plates that represent eating disorders. The fully figured drawing depicts the people’s modern eating habits and concerns. Here, the artist tries to link eating disorders to certain unhealthy modern lifestyle practices. In the art, one plate shows the name of an eating disorder- anorexia nervosa- which is becoming more prevalent in modern life attributed to some misleading beauty concepts. Similarly, different plates contain some anatomical drawings in order to relate food practices with human health. Different plates with images of different body parts reflect that every individual has a distinct food practice in these modern days. Therefore, the painting altogether convinces viewers that modern lifestyle and related eating practices lead to a variety of eating disorders.
“Analyzing an artist's work means studying the elements that make up an artwork” (“How to analyze an artist's work”, BBC). The initial thing that attracts one’s attention in Goel’s painting is the nude human bodies displayed in the plates. The fully figured drawing shows a royal dining table which contains ‘equipments’ for the modern food practice. It includes spoons, forks, table mats, and wine glasses. Dining room is the physical setting of the painting, and this symbolizes the modern man’s food sentiments. The blue window glass in the background gives a realistic appeal to the setting. Another thing that gains one’s appreciation is the images of letters spread over the plates. They indicate articles on obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. It gives a message that people are not convinced of the adverse consequences of overeating despite the informative studies. It would remind one that health and ill health depends on one’s food choices. Eating can make one healthy or unhealthy. As the viewer’s eyes pass from one element to the other, vital knowledge is imparted to his mind automatically. It will at least force one to reflect on one’s eating preferences for a while.
The glossy colors give significant effect to the image. And the projections symbolize one’s intrinsic craving for food or the unpleasant eating disorder that people seek to avoid. Obviously, the intended audience includes obese people who are vulnerable to ill health. A close analysis reveals the painter’s ability to integrate a scholarly theme into a simple piece of artwork without losing its significance. Volumes have been written on overweight and obesity. However, the obesity rate is growing alarmingly all over the world, especially in developed countries. In this context, Goel’s painting is of high relevance, and it outweighs hundred articles on obesity.
Through this art Goel tries to explore the beauty of mundane things too. Admittedly, this is a recondite art that gives room for further interpretation. In most of these arts, the color combination of gold and brown is used. Light blue color is used to draw the beautiful window glass. All these symbolize luxurious dining rooms that allure human beings to enjoy craving more. The art provides viewers with some uneasiness as it compels them to reflect on their dietary habits. The work features the bad effects of modern lifestyle and eating disorders. The main theme or subject for this work is obesity. However, this art work does not tell any particular story or makes viewers confused with deep visual presentations.
Goel has used combination of some bright colors to indicate the lavishness of modern eating concerns. The central themes of this art work include modern lifestyle practices, eating disorders, and human health.
Evidently, the technique used for the creation of this work is a little complex one. I would like to know the exact mechanism the painter applied for creating such a marvelous color combination. In this regard, Learner’s book Analysis of Modern Paints will be a good source of knowledge. The second chapter of the book describes the chemistry of modern paints in particular (19-21). However, from a critic’s perspective, this art shields reality from the conflicts created by one’s ego. It simply blames the current dietary practices rather than suggesting an alternative. Overuse of food can hurt oneself and others. However, coping with real life problems is more effective than stressfully distorting them. Therefore, it would be fine if the painter depicted an ideal diet image too. Admittedly, it is not easy for one to grasp the message the painting conveys. It requires close observation and sometimes an expert’s interpretation for an average individual to comprehend the idea the painter conveys. However, if it made one reflect on one’s eating habits and lifestyle, the painting achieved its objective in its full sense.
Works Cited
“Famous Paintings: Analysis and Interpretation: Meaning of Pictures by Great Artists”. Web. 15 March 2014. <http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/famous-paintings/#analysis>
Goel, Noopur. “A full body is beautiful too”. Web. 15 March 2014. <http://noopurpgoel.com/A-Full-Body-is-Beautiful-Too>
“How to analyze an artist's work”. BBC. Web. 15 March 2014. <http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/practicalities/analysingartistwork1.shtml>
Learner, Tom. Analysis of Modern Paints. US: Getty Publications, 2004. Print.
Taft, W. Stanley., Mayer, James W and Kuniholm, P.I. The Science of Paintings. US: Springer, 2000. Print.